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Winter carry-over effects on spring body condition driven by agricultural subsidies to Lesser Snow Geese (Anser caerulescens caerulescens)
Avian Conservation and Ecology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.5751/ace-01743-150221
Drew N. Fowler , Elisabeth B. Webb , Mark P. Vrtiska , Keith A. Hobson

Anthropogenic changes to landscapes associated with intensive agriculture often have deleterious effects on avian abundance. However, some species like the Lesser Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens), can benefit from increases in agricultural crops on both wintering and migratory stopover sites. We investigated the influence of winter habitat use on spring body condition in Lesser Snow Goose, a species that has increased in population following expansion into agriculturally based winter habitats. We used stable isotope measurements of four elements (δ2H, δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) to determine likely prior winter habitat use of snow geese collected during spring migration across Arkansas, Missouri, and Nebraska in 2016. We evaluated differences in body size, lipid, and protein reserves from individuals with isotope values that suggested winter habitat use in traditional coastal marsh and non-coastal /agriculture habitat. Inferred winter habitat influenced total body lipid levels in snow geese collected during spring migration. Adult and juvenile individuals inferred to have overwintered in coastal marsh (n = 60) had, on average, 33.4 g (95% Confidence Interval: 0.4 g, 66.4 g) less lipid than counterparts wintering in non-coastal / agricultural habitat (n = 77). Waterfowl foods found in marshes typically have low true metabolizable energy values as a consequence of their high fiber content, which likely increases daily consumption rates. Increased energy expenditure related to greater time spent foraging, paired with lower energetic rewards, may result in lower lipid reserves among geese using coastal marsh habitats compared to birds using agricultural landscapes. Consequently, carry-over effects based on winter habitat use could explain variation in lipid reserves among individuals during spring migration and may ultimately explain differential fitness rates or susceptibility to harvest. Our results have implications for the conservation and management of this species as historic wetland landscapes become more intensively converted and used for agricultural purposes.


农业补贴对小雪雁(Anser caerulescens caerulescens)的驱动,冬季对春季身体状况的影响

集约化农业对景观的人为改变通常会对禽类的丰度产生有害影响。但是,一些物种,例如小雪雁(Anser caerulescens caerulescens),可以从越冬和迁徙中转站的农作物增产中受益。我们调查了小雪雁中冬季栖息地的使用对春季身体状况的影响,该物种在扩展为以农业为基础的冬季栖息地后种群数量有所增加。我们使用四个元素(δ2H,δ13C,δ15N和δ34S)的稳定同位素测量结果来确定2016年春季迁徙至阿肯色州,密苏里州和内布拉斯加州的雪雁在冬季可能使用的雪雁。我们评估了体形,脂质的差异,和具有同位素值的个体的蛋白质储量,表明在传统的沿海沼泽和非沿海/农业生境中使用了冬季生境。推断的冬季栖息地影响了春季迁徙期间收集的雪雁体内总脂质的水平。推断在沿海沼泽中越冬的成年和未成年人(n = 60),与在非沿海/农业生境中越冬的同龄人相比,平均脂肪减少了33.4 g(95%置信区间:0.4 g,66.4 g)。 77)。沼泽中发现的水禽食物由于其纤维含量高而通常具有较低的真实可代谢能量值,这很可能会增加日常食用率。与更多的觅食时间相关的能源支出增加,同时精力充沛的奖励降低,与使用农业景观的鸟类相比,使用沿海沼泽栖息地的鹅可能会降低鹅的脂质储备。因此,基于冬季栖息地使用的残留效应可以解释春季迁徙期间个体脂质储量的变化,并最终可以解释适应度差异或收获敏感性。随着历史湿地景观的集约化转化和用于农业目的,我们的研究结果对该物种的保护和管理产生了影响。