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Impact of the environment on the health: From theory to practice
Environmental Research ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110517
A.L. Carducci , A. Agodi , C. Ancona , P. Angelini , F. Bagordo , F. Barbone , L. Birbaum , V. Carreri , A. Casuccio , A. Conti , M. Conversano , A. De Donno , O. De Giglio , F. Desiante , A. Di Pietro , E. Dogliotti , F. Donato , G.M. Fara , M. Fiore , F. Forastiere , G. Giammanco , A. Izzotti , M.T. Montagna , G. Oliveri Conti , M.G. Petronio , S. Sciacca , C. Signorelli , E. Testai , M. Verani , M. Vinceti , F. Vitale , M. Ferrante , G. Adani , L. Berghella , C. Calia , R. Calzolari , A. Canale , D. Castiglione , A. Conti , C. Copat , A. Cristaldi , G. Cuffari , G. Coronel Vargas , E. De Vita , F. De Nard , I. Federigi , T. Filippini , A. Grasso , N. Leonardi , M. Letzgus , G. Lo Bianco , W. Mazzucco , I. Nicolosi , P. Orlandi , G. Paladino , S. Pizzo , C. Pousis , M. Raffo , S. Rivolta , F. Scarpitta , G. Trani , F. Triggiano , A. Tumbarello , V. Vecchio , P. Zuccarello , M. Vassallo

The Erice 56 Charter titled “Impact of the environment on the health: from theory to practice” was unanimously approved at the end of the 56th course of the “International School of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine G. D'Alessandro” held from 3rd to November 7, 2019 in Erice – Sicily (Italy) and promoted by the Study Group of “Environment and Health” of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. The course, that included lectures, open discussions and guided working groups, was aimed to provide a general training on epidemiological and toxicological aspects of the environmental health impact, to be used by public health professionals for risk assessment, without forgetting the risk communications. At the end of the course 12 key points were agreed among teachers and students: they underlined the need of specific training and research, in the perspective of “One Health” and “Global Health”, also facing emerging scientific and methodological issues and focusing on communication towards stakeholders. This Discussion highlight the need to improve knowledge of Health and Environment topic in all sectors of health and environmental prevention and management.



Erice 56宪章的标题为“环境对健康的影响:从理论到实践”在“国际流行病学和预防医学学院G. D'Alessandro学院”第56课结束时获得一致批准”将于3月3日至11月7日在意大利西西里岛的埃里塞举行,并由意大利卫生,预防医学和公共卫生学会“环境与健康”研究小组推动。该课程包括讲座,公开讨论和指导性工作组,旨在提供有关环境健康影响的流行病学和毒理学方面的一般培训,供公共卫生专业人员用于风险评估,而不会忘记风险通报。课程结束时,在师生之间商定了12个关键点:他们强调需要从“一个健康”和“全球健康”的角度进行专门的培训和研究,还面临着新兴的科学和方法论问题,并着重于与利益相关者的沟通。
