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Biochemical diversity of cardoon flowers (Cynara cardunculus L.): Predicting PDO Mediterranean cheese textures
Food Bioscience ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fbio.2020.100805
P. Barracosa , I. Simões , A.P. Martins , M. Barros , E. Pires

Cardoon flower extract is a vegetable coagulant used in the manufacture of some highly appreciated Mediterranean Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) sheep cheeses, due to their typical flavor and smooth texture. Flowers from 6 cardoon plants (1M–6M), selected on the basis of the total and specific A0, A and B cardosin concentrations were characterized using chromatographic and electrophoretic analysis. Extracts of these flowers were used to investigate the relationship between the biochemical profile and the proteolytic activity on caseins, coagulation properties and cheese texture. Milk-clotting activity and coagulation were measured using an Optigraph. Cheese making trials were done using the traditional protocol of Serra da Estrela PDO cheese manufacture. A multivariate exploratory PCA analysis showed that plants 4M, 5M and 6M with the highest total concentration of cardosins, the prevalence of cardosin A, proteolytic action with Ƙ-casein, and the lowest time of coagulation yielded cheeses with a firmer paste. Plants 1M, 2M and 3M, without the presence of cardosin A, were negatively influenced by the proteolytic action with β-casein, starting flocculation and gel consistency. Plant 3M showed a slow micellar aggregation rate and low gel firmness during milk coagulation, which was reflected in the smooth texture of the cheese. The specific characterization of natural biochemical diversity of cardoon flowers and their influence on cheese texture may help producers to choose the appropriated cardoon flowers to obtain a desired texture.


菜豆花(Cynara cardunculus L.)的生化多样性:预测PDO地中海奶酪的质地

菜豆花提取物是一种植物凝结剂,由于其典型的风味和质地光滑,用于制造一些备受赞誉的地中海原产地标记(PDO)绵羊奶酪。根据色谱法和电泳分析法,对根据总的和特定的A0,A和B心豆素浓度选择的6种心型植物(1M–6M)的花朵进行了表征。这些花的提取物用于研究生化特征与酪蛋白蛋白水解活性,凝血特性和干酪质地之间的关系。使用Optigraph测量牛奶凝结活性和凝结。奶酪制作试验使用Serra da Estrela PDO奶酪制造的传统协议进行。多元探索性PCA分析显示,植物4M,5M和6M具有最高的心果蛋白酶总浓度,心果蛋白酶A的患病率,α-酪蛋白的蛋白水解作用以及最短的凝固时间,从而产生了具有更牢固糊状的奶酪。不存在卡多菌素A的植物1M,2M和3M受β-酪蛋白的蛋白水解作用,开始絮凝和凝胶稠度的不利影响。植物3M在牛奶凝结期间显示出缓慢的胶束聚集速率和低的凝胶硬度,这反映在奶酪的光滑质地上。菜豆花的天然生化多样性的特定特征及其对奶酪质地的影响,可以帮助生产者选择合适的菜豆花以获得所需的质地。凝固时间最短,得到的奶酪带有坚硬的糊状物。不存在卡多菌素A的植物1M,2M和3M受β-酪蛋白的蛋白水解作用,开始絮凝和凝胶稠度的不利影响。植物3M在牛奶凝结期间显示出缓慢的胶束聚集速率和低的凝胶硬度,这反映在奶酪的光滑质地上。菜豆花的天然生化多样性的特定特征及其对奶酪质地的影响,可以帮助生产者选择合适的菜豆花以获得所需的质地。凝固时间最短,得到的奶酪带有坚硬的糊状物。不存在卡多菌素A的植物1M,2M和3M受β-酪蛋白的蛋白水解作用,开始絮凝和凝胶稠度的不利影响。植物3M在牛奶凝结期间显示出缓慢的胶束聚集速率和低的凝胶硬度,这反映在奶酪的光滑质地上。菜豆花的天然生化多样性的特定特征及其对奶酪质地的影响,可以帮助生产者选择合适的菜豆花以获得所需的质地。植物3M在牛奶凝结期间显示出缓慢的胶束聚集速率和低的凝胶硬度,这反映在奶酪的光滑质地上。菜豆花的天然生化多样性的特定特征及其对奶酪质地的影响,可以帮助生产者选择合适的菜豆花以获得所需的质地。植物3M在牛奶凝结期间显示出缓慢的胶束聚集速率和低的凝胶硬度,这反映在奶酪的光滑质地上。菜豆花的天然生化多样性的特定特征及其对奶酪质地的影响,可以帮助生产者选择合适的菜豆花以获得所需的质地。
