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Paper plans and possibility: A critical analysis of landscape conservation policy in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor
Environmental Development ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envdev.2020.100600
Ruchi Patel

In a move toward the integration of social and ecological goals in land management, landscape approaches are now a part of mainstream conservation and development policy discourses worldwide. Policies for integrated landscape management in Mesoamerica have long promoted biological corridors as a way to enhance biodiversity conservation and habitat connectivity while improving livelihoods in the surrounding landscape matrix. Recently, though, the policy focus throughout the region has shifted toward landscape restoration, which subsumes and expands upon the former approach to respond more explicitly to concerns about climate change. However, the limited success and challenges of translating corridors from paper into practice raise questions about the potential of landscape restoration policies to achieve intended outcomes. Centering on the experience of El Salvador, this paper draws on policy and document analysis and interviews with professionals to compare the two approaches and explore the implications of the transition toward landscape restoration based on lessons learned from past corridor implementation challenges. The paper argues that while the two approaches share many core components and objectives, landscape restoration has different spatial and distributional implications in terms of priority-setting, distribution of resources and benefits, and the promotion of conservation management strategies and alternatives. Nevertheless, unresolved challenges of integrated landscape management revealed by decades of unsuccessful corridor implementation must be addressed if restoration policies are to make headway. Through a critical analysis of shifting policy frameworks in El Salvador, the research offers crucial insight into the limitations and possibilities of integrated landscape management in Mesoamerica and globally.



