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Effects of Artificial Lighting at Night on Predator Density and Salmonid Predation
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-29 , DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10286
T. Reid Nelson 1 , Cyril J. Michel 1 , Meagan P. Gary 1 , Brendan M. Lehman 1 , Nicholas J. Demetras 1 , Jeremy J. Hammen 2 , Michael J. Horn 2

Predation of juvenile salmonids within California’s Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (the Delta) has been identified as a contributing factor to low survival during out‐migration through the system. Artificial lighting at night (ALAN) may contribute to increased levels of salmonid predation by attracting predators and prey, increasing predator reaction distance, and boosting foraging success. To assess ALAN effects on predator (piscivorous fishes) density and the relative predation risk of Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha smolts in the Delta, we preformed field‐based experiments with introduced ALAN. We used adaptive resolution imaging sonar cameras to generate predator density estimates in light and dark treatments throughout nightly experiments at 30‐min intervals. We simultaneously deployed predation event recorders to estimate the impact of ALAN intensity (lux) on relative predation risk of Chinook Salmon smolts. Early in the night (1–3 h past sunset), predator density and relative predation risk of smolts were unrelated to ALAN. However, late in the night (3–5 h past sunset), ALAN presence increased predator density, and the relative predation risk of juvenile salmonids increased with increasing lux. Predation risk was also positively related to predator density, and increased late‐night predator density under ALAN, coupled with late‐night foraging benefits of ALAN, likely contributed to the lux–risk relationship. The exact mechanism behind this discrepancy between early‐ and late‐night trends is unknown and could be a result of our experimental design or the predator community sampled here. However, if these temporal trends prove robust to future investigations, late‐night lighting reduction campaigns during out‐migration could maximize the human benefits of ALAN while minimizing the negative impacts on salmonids. Overall, our findings align with others and suggest that ALAN increases juvenile salmonid predation. Although many questions remain unanswered, it appears that reducing artificial illumination is a practical management strategy to reduce predation.



加利福尼亚萨克拉曼多–圣华金河三角洲(Delta)内的小鲑鱼被捕食是导致通过该系统外迁期间低生存率的一个重要因素。夜间人工照明(ALAN)可能会通过吸引食肉动物和猎物,增加食肉动物的反应距离并提高觅食的成功率来提高鲑鱼的捕食水平。评估ALAN对捕食者(食肉鱼类)密度的影响以及奇努克鲑鱼Oncorhynchus tshawytscha的相对捕食风险在三角洲,我们用引入的ALAN进行了野外实验。我们使用自适应分辨率成像声纳相机在整个夜间实验中以30分钟的间隔在明暗处理中生成捕食者密度估计值。我们同时部署了捕食事件记录器,以估计ALAN强度(勒克斯)对奇努克鲑鲑的相对捕食风险的影响。在深夜(日落之后的1-3小时),捕食者的密度和相对的捕食性捕食风险与ALAN无关。但是,在深夜(日落之后的3-5小时),ALAN的存在增加了捕食者的密度,并且随着流度的增加,幼鲑鱼的相对捕食风险也随之增加。在ALAN下,捕食风险也与捕食者密度呈正相关,并且深夜捕食者密度增加,再加上ALAN在深夜觅食的好处,很可能助长了勒克斯-高风险关系。早晚趋势之间的差异背后的确切机制尚不清楚,这可能是我们的实验设计或此处所捕食的捕食者群落的结果。但是,如果这些时间趋势证明对将来的调查有帮助,那么在外迁期间进行的深夜照明减少活动可以最大程度地提高ALAN的人类利益,同时最大程度地减少对鲑鱼的负面影响。总体而言,我们的发现与其他观点一致,表明ALAN增加了幼鲑鱼的捕食。尽管许多问题仍未解决,但减少人工照明似乎是减少捕食的一种实用管理策略。早晚趋势之间的差异背后的确切机制尚不清楚,这可能是我们的实验设计或此处所捕食的捕食者群落的结果。但是,如果这些时间趋势证明对将来的调查有帮助,那么在外迁期间进行的深夜照明减少活动可以最大程度地提高ALAN的人类利益,同时最大程度地减少对鲑鱼的负面影响。总体而言,我们的发现与其他观点一致,表明ALAN增加了幼鲑鱼的捕食。尽管许多问题仍未解决,但减少人工照明似乎是减少捕食的一种实用管理策略。早晚趋势之间的差异背后的确切机制尚不清楚,这可能是我们的实验设计或此处所捕食的捕食者群落的结果。但是,如果这些时间趋势证明对将来的调查有帮助,那么在外迁期间进行的深夜照明减少活动可以最大程度地提高ALAN的人类利益,同时最大程度地减少对鲑鱼的负面影响。总体而言,我们的发现与其他观点一致,表明ALAN增加了幼鲑鱼的捕食。尽管许多问题仍未解决,但减少人工照明似乎是减少捕食的一种实用管理策略。如果这些时间趋势对未来的调查证明是有力的,那么在外迁期间进行的深夜照明减少活动可以最大程度地提高ALAN的人类利益,同时最大程度地减少对鲑鱼的负面影响。总体而言,我们的发现与其他观点一致,表明ALAN增加了幼鲑鱼的捕食。尽管许多问题仍未解决,但减少人工照明似乎是减少捕食的一种实用管理策略。如果这些时间趋势对未来的调查证明是有力的,那么在外迁期间进行的深夜照明减少活动可以最大程度地提高ALAN的人类利益,同时最大程度地减少对鲑鱼的负面影响。总体而言,我们的发现与其他观点一致,表明ALAN增加了幼鲑鱼的捕食。尽管许多问题仍未解决,但减少人工照明似乎是减少捕食的一种实用管理策略。