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Use of Acoustic Telemetry to Identify Spawning River and Spawning Migration Patterns of American Shad in the Albemarle Sound, North Carolina
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-29 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10555
Kevin Mack 1 , Holly White 2 , Fred C. Rohde 3

American Shad Alosa sapidissima is an economically, culturally, and ecologically important anadromous species that undertakes a significant spawning migration, swimming from the ocean into areas far upstream in coastal rivers to reproduce. The species has a large range in the western Atlantic, occurring from Nova Scotia to Florida. However, because American Shad generally return to their natal rivers to spawn, each major river likely has its own spawning stock. Fish that are entering the Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, to spawn primarily ascend one of two rivers at the far western end of the estuary: the Roanoke River or the Chowan River. Determining the current primary spawning river for American Shad in the Albemarle Sound would help inform research efforts and resource management decisions to improve stocks. American Shad were captured in the Albemarle Sound, tagged with sonic transmitters, and tracked using an array of acoustic receivers. Of the 62 fish that made detectable migrations during the six study years, 55 ascended the Chowan River, while only 5 ascended the Roanoke River and 2 entered other rivers. These telemetry results suggest that the Chowan River and its tributaries are the major spawning rivers for American Shad in the Albemarle Sound.



美国Sha鱼Alosa sapidissima是一种在经济,文化和生态上很重要的无习性物种,它们产生大量的产卵迁移,从海洋游到沿海河流的上游地区进行繁殖。该物种在西大西洋到新斯科舍到佛罗里达都有很大范围的分布。但是,由于美洲河Sha通常会返回其本国河流产卵,因此每条主要河流都可能拥有自己的产卵库。进入北卡罗来纳州阿尔伯马尔峡湾的鱼类主要在河口最西端的两条河流之一上升:罗阿诺克河或乔万河。确定Albemarle Sound的American Shad当前的主要产卵河将有助于为研究工作和资源管理决策提供依据,以改善存量。American Shad被Albemarle Sound捕获,使用声音发射器进行标记,并使用一系列声音接收器进行跟踪。在六个研究年中发现的62种鱼类中,有55条沿乔万河上扬,而只有5条沿罗阿诺克河上扬,有2条进入其他河流。这些遥测结果表明,Chowan河及其支流是Albemarle Sound中美国Shad的主要产卵河。