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Analysis of Influencing Factors of Academic Entrepreneurship Based on Blockchain
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/8825318
Jingfang Zhao 1 , Zhenfeng Ge 1

Under the background of mass entrepreneurship, academic entrepreneurship activities in universities are booming. DEA model is used to analyze the input-output data of academic entrepreneurship in colleges and universities in 2012 and 2016. According to the validity of the input-output data of academic entrepreneurship in different regions, the differences in efficiency between regions are compared and the reasons are analyzed. The research shows that the economic service function of colleges and universities to regional economic and social development is becoming increasingly prominent, resulting in a certain scale effect; the overall development of academic entrepreneurship efficiency, pure technical efficiency, and scale of colleges and universities in various regions is good, showing an upward trend; academic entrepreneurship activities of colleges and universities in different regions show different development trends. The scale efficiency of each region is at a higher level, but we should also actively pay attention to the utilization efficiency of academic entrepreneurship resources in colleges and universities, improve the allocation of resources, and prevent excessive investment in human and financial resources to produce redundancy, so as to achieve scale expansion while improving efficiency.


