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Nesting habitat of ground‐nesting bees: a review
Ecological Entomology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-26 , DOI: 10.1111/een.12986
Cécile M. Antoine 1 , Jessica R.K. Forrest 1

  1. About 3/4 of all wild bee species nest in the soil and spend much of their life cycle underground. These insects require suitable environmental conditions for nest construction and for the development and survival of their offspring. However, there is little quantitative information on the nesting habitat requirements and preferences of ground‐nesting bees. Moreover, there are almost no data on the effects of nesting conditions on these bees' fitness.
  2. Here, to better understand the factors that influence nest‐site selection in ground‐nesting bees, we synthesise the literature on the nesting‐habitat associations of these important pollinators. We also review techniques that can be used to study the nesting preferences of ground‐nesting bees.
  3. Our review reveals enormous variation among bee species in their associations with such nesting‐habitat attributes as soil texture, compaction, moisture, temperature, ground surface features, and proximity to conspecifics or floral resources. However, more studies—particularly experimental ones—are needed to segregate the influence of each factor on bees' choices of nesting location, since multiple factors are often correlated. It is also unclear whether nesting‐habitat associations vary geographically or seasonally within species, or phylogenetically among ground‐nesting bee species, partly because we lack information on nesting habitat for many species.
  4. We argue that studies using established habitat‐selection methods are essential to properly identify nesting‐habitat preferences of ground‐nesting species. Finally, more research on nesting ecology is needed (especially in agroecosystems) to determine how best to support this diverse group of bees and the vital ecosystem service they provide.



  1. 大约3/4的野生蜂物种筑巢在土壤中,并在地下度过大部分生命周期。这些昆虫需要适当的环境条件来筑巢,以及其后代的发育和生存。但是,关于筑巢栖息地的要求和地面蜂的偏好的定量信息很少。而且,几乎没有关于筑巢条件对这些蜜蜂适应性的影响的数据。
  2. 在这里,为了更好地了解影响地面嵌套蜂巢位选择的因素,我们综合了有关这些重要传粉媒介筑巢栖息地关联的文献。我们还将回顾可用于研究地面筑巢蜜蜂筑巢偏好的技术。
  3. 我们的评论揭示了蜜蜂种类之间的巨大差异,它们与诸如土壤质地,压实度,湿度,温度,地表特征以及与特定物种或花卉资源的接近性等筑巢栖息地属性相关。然而,由于多个因素通常是相关的,因此需要更多的研究(尤其是实验性研究)来分离每个因素对蜜蜂选择巢穴位置的影响。尚不清楚物种间的巢栖栖息地关系在地理上或季节上是否变化,或者在地面蜂种之间在系统发育上是否发生变化,部分原因是因为我们缺乏许多物种的筑巢栖息地信息。
  4. 我们认为,使用已建立的栖息地选择方法进行的研究对于正确识别地面嵌套物种的巢栖环境偏好至关重要。最后,需要进行更多的关于筑巢生态的研究(尤其是在农业生态系统中),以确定如何最好地支持这一种类多样的蜜蜂及其提供的重要生态系统服务。