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Regularity of optimal sets for some functional involving eigenvalues of an operator in divergence form
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.anihpc.2020.11.002
Baptiste Trey

In this paper we consider minimizers of the functionalmin{λ1(Ω)++λk(Ω)+Λ|Ω|,:ΩD open} where DRd is a bounded open set and where 0<λ1(Ω)λk(Ω) are the first k eigenvalues on Ω of an operator in divergence form with Dirichlet boundary condition and with Hölder continuous coefficients. We prove that the optimal sets Ω have finite perimeter and that their free boundary ΩD is composed of a regular part, which is locally the graph of a C1,α-regular function, and a singular part, which is empty if d<d, discrete if d=d and of Hausdorff dimension at most dd if d>d, for some d{5,6,7}.



在本文中,我们考虑了泛函的极小值分钟{λ1(Ω)++λ(Ω)+Λ|Ω|,ΩD 打开} 在哪里 D电阻d 是一个有界开集,其中 0<λ1(Ω)λ(Ω)是具有 Dirichlet 边界条件和 Hölder 连续系数的散度形式的算子 Ω 上的前k 个特征值。我们证明最优集合Ω 具有有限周长并且它们的自由边界 ΩD由一个规则部分组成,它是一个局部图C1,α-regular 函数,以及一个单数部分,如果是空的d<d, 离散如果 d=d 和至多豪斯多夫维数 d-d 如果 d>d, 对于一些 d{5,6,7}.
