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Point interactions for 3D sub-Laplacians
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.anihpc.2020.10.007
Ugo Boscain 1 , Valentina Franceschi 2 , Dario Prandi 3 , Riccardo Adami 4

In this paper we show that, for a sub-Laplacian Δ on a 3-dimensional manifold M, no point interaction centered at a point q0M exists. When M is complete w.r.t. the associated sub-Riemannian structure, this means that Δ acting on C0(M{q0}) is essentially self-adjoint in L2(M). A particular example is the standard sub-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group. This is in stark contrast with what happens in a Riemannian manifold N, whose associated Laplace-Beltrami operator acting on C0(N{q0}) is never essentially self-adjoint in L2(N), if dimN3. We then apply this result to the Schrödinger evolution of a thin molecule, i.e., with a vanishing moment of inertia, rotating around its center of mass.


3D 亚拉普拉斯算子的点交互

在本文中,我们表明,对于 3 维流形M上的亚拉普拉斯算子 Δ ,没有以点为中心的点相互作用q0存在。当M 相对于相关的亚黎曼结构是完整的时,这意味着 Δ 作用于C0({q0}) 本质上是自伴的 2(). 一个特殊的例子是海森堡群上的标准亚拉普拉斯算子。这与黎曼流形N 中发生的情况形成鲜明对比,后者的关联拉普拉斯-贝尔特拉米算子作用于C0(N{q0}) 在本质上从不自伴 2(N), 如果 暗淡N3. 然后我们将这个结果应用于细分子的薛定谔演化,即惯性矩消失,绕其质心旋转。
