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Transformation of the Bryansk Paleosol in Microdepressions in the Center of the East European Forest-Steppe during the Maximum of Valdai Glaciation and in the Holocene
Eurasian Soil Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064229320090173
S. A. Sycheva , P. R. Pushkina , O. S. Khokhlova , P. A. Ukrainsky


Recent and Late Pleistocene soils of the central forest-steppe in the East European Plain have been studied. The main objective of the work is to reveal changes in the properties of the Bryansk paleosol (final phase of MIS 3), one of the most important geosols of the Late Pleistocene. These changes could be induced by cryogenesis during the Valdai glaciation maximum (MIS 2) and by the Holocene pedogenesis (MIS 1) under different conditions of the modern microtopography. We have studied the catena of Holocene soils underlain by the Bryansk paleosol within a small closed depression in the Kazatskaya Steppe of the V.V. Alekhin Central Chernozemic Biospheric Reserve in Kursk oblast. The depression is supposedly the result of loess subsidence. Haplic Chernozems develop on the microelevation; Luvic Chernozems, on the microslope; and Luvic Chernozems (Stagnic), in the bottom of the depression. The upper humus horizons of the Holocene soils are similar in all parts of the microcatena. On the slopes and in the lower part of the microdepression, the Ah2 subhorizon is replaced by the AE horizon, and the Bk horizon becomes carbonate-free and turns into the Bt horizon. The change in the “normal” profile of the paleosol of the Bryansk Interstadial began already at the latest stages of its formation. The Bryansk soil was strongly deformed by cryogenic processes during the maximum of the Valdai glaciation (Vladimir cryogenic horizon). The secondary diagenesis of the Bryansk paleosol is associated with soil formation in the Holocene. Holocene soils are superimposed on the profile of the Bryansk paleosol, transforming it differently in various parts of the catena. On the microelevation, the diagenesis in the Holocene is regarded as minimal. The Bryansk paleosol is most transformed in the bottom of the microdepression.




研究了东欧平原中部森林草原的最近和晚更新世土壤。这项工作的主要目的是揭示晚更新世最重要的地溶胶之一布良斯克古土壤(MIS 3的最终阶段)的性质变化。这些变化可能是由Valdai冰期最大值(MIS 2)期间的低温致冷作用和现代微形貌的不同条件下的全新世成岩作用(MIS 1)引起的。我们已经研究了库尔斯克州VV Alekhin中央黑钙土生物圈保护区的Kazatskaya草原中一个小封闭洼地中的Bryansk古土壤在全新世土壤的链下。据认为,低迷是黄土沉降的结果。Haplic Chernozems在微高处发育。Luvic Chernozems,在微坡上;凹陷底部的Luvic Chernozems(Stagnic)。全新世土壤的腐殖质上层在微类别的所有部分都相似。在微凹陷的斜坡和下部,Ah2子地平线被AE层代替,Bk层变为无碳酸盐,并变为Bt层。Bryansk Interstadial古土壤的“正常”剖面变化已经在其形成的最新阶段开始。在瓦尔代冰川最大时期(弗拉基米尔低温层),低温过程使布莱恩斯克土壤强烈变形。布良斯克古土壤的次生成岩作用与全新世的土壤形成有关。全新世土壤叠加在Bryansk古土壤的轮廓上,在连系的各个部分进行了不同的转换。在微高程上,全新世的成岩作用被认为是最小的。Bryansk古土壤在微凹陷的底部转化最多。
