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Study on the Estimation of Utility Harmonic Impedance Based on Minimum Norm of Impedance Difference
IEEE Access ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1109/access.2020.3033388
Fangwei Xu , Chuan Wang , Qin Shu , Zhiquan Ma , Hongru Zheng , Anqing Peng

The existing methods for estimating harmonic impedance usually assume that harmonic impedance is constant in a measurement period. However, for a variety of practical reasons, such as the load change of power grid, utility harmonic impedance may be changed. So a reasonable hypothesis is that utility harmonic impedance is time-varying, but the variation of the impedance is not large at adjacent sampling time. Thus, this paper proposes a novel method to estimate utility harmonic impedance by taking the criterion of minimum norm of impedance differences at adjacent sampling times with a measurement period. According to the proposed criterion, an objective function is built with the norm of the harmonic impedance differences and utility harmonic voltage differences of adjacent moments. And then, the utility harmonic impedance can be obtained by minimizing the objective function. The proposed method has high accuracy even while background harmonic emission level is high and harmonic impedance of customer side is not much larger than that of utility side. The effectiveness is verified by the simulation and field cases. In the simulation, the estimation errors of most cases are within 10% and the maximum error is not exceed 16%.


