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Fine-scale taxonomic and temporal variability in the energy density of invertebrate prey of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Marine Ecology Progress Series ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-26 , DOI: 10.3354/meps13513
J Weil 1 , WDP Duguid 1 , F Juanes 1

ABSTRACT: Variation in the energy content of prey can drive the diet choice, growth and ultimate survival of consumers. In Pacific salmon species, obtaining sufficient energy for rapid growth during early marine residence is hypothesized to reduce the risk of size-selective mortality. In order to determine the energetic benefit of feeding choices for individuals, accurate estimates of energy density (ED) across prey groups are required. Frequently, a single species is assumed to be representative of a larger taxonomic group or related species. Further, single-point estimates are often assumed to be representative of a group across seasons, despite temporal variability. To test the validity of these practices, we sampled zooplankton prey of juvenile Chinook salmon to investigate fine-scale taxonomic and temporal differences in ED. Using a recently developed model to estimate the ED of organisms using percent ash-free dry weight, we compared energy content of several groups that are typically grouped together in growth studies. Decapod megalopae were more energy rich than zoeae and showed family-level variability in ED. Amphipods showed significant species-level variability in ED. Temporal differences were observed, but patterns were not consistent among groups. Bioenergetic model simulations showed that growth rate of juvenile Chinook salmon was almost identical when prey ED values were calculated on a fine scale or on a taxon-averaged coarse scale. However, single-species representative calculations of prey ED yielded highly variable output in growth depending on the representative species used. These results suggest that the latter approach may yield significantly biased results.


奇努克鲑鱼Oncorhynchus tshawytscha的无脊椎动物猎物能量密度的精细分类和时间变化
