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The evolution of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin during the latest Badenian and Sarmatian (Middle Miocene): inferences from micropalaeontological data
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.7306/gq.1568
Simina Dumitriţa DUMITRIU , Zofia DUBICKA , Sergiu LOGHIN , Mihaela Carmen MELINTE-DOBRINESCU , Jolanta PARUCH-KULCZYCKA

Seven Middle Miocene (Upper Badenian to Lower Sarmatian) sedimentary sections of the Central Paratethys, two from the Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (PCFB) and five from the Eastern Carpathian Foreland Basin (ECFB) of Romania and the Republic of Moldova have been analysed micropalaeontologically to better constrain the Badenian-Sarmatian Extinction Event, characterized by significant taxonomic impoverishment of both foraminifers and ostracods. Our studies show significant palaeoenvironmental changes in the basin including depth, salinity, oxygenation, and organic matter flux. The occurrence of moderately diverse planktonic foraminifera ( Globigerina, Globigerinita, Globorotalia, Trilobatus, Orbulina, Velapertina ) in the Upper Badenian deposits of the PCFB as well as in the ECFB and their rarity in the lowermost Sarmatian indicate an almost fully marine environment during the latest Badenian, followed by a significant regression and possible appearance of much more restricted marine conditions across the boundary. The taxonomic composition of the Sarmatian foraminifera, ostracoda and calcareous nannofossils indicate that during this interval the salinity fluctuated strongly, with the water regime varying from brackish to normal marine. In addition, the identified micropalaeontological assemblages identified show palaeoenvironmental similarity across different basins of the Central Paratethys. This supports a hypothesis of possible connections during the latest Badenian between different areas of the Central Paratethys, as well as of the existence of a gateway between the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean realm.



中央帕特提斯的七个中中新世(上巴登阶到下萨尔马提阶)沉积剖面,其中两个来自波兰喀尔巴阡前深盆地 (PCFB) 和五个来自罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦共和国的东喀尔巴阡前陆盆地 (ECFB) 已进行微古生物学分析更好地限制巴登-萨尔马提亚灭绝事件,其特征是有孔虫和介形动物的分类学严重贫乏。我们的研究表明该盆地发生了显着的古环境变化,包括深度、盐度、氧化和有机物质通量。中等多样性的浮游有孔虫(Globigerina、Globigerinita、Globorotalia、Trilobatus、Orbulina、Velapertina )在 PCFB 的上巴登阶沉积物以及 ECFB 中以及它们在最下层的萨尔马提阶中的稀有性表明在最新的巴登阶期间几乎完全是海洋环境,随后是显着的退化,并且可能出现更受限制的海洋条件。边界。萨尔马提亚有孔虫、介形虫和钙质纳米化石的分类组成表明,在此期间,盐度波动很大,水情从微咸到正常海洋变化。此外,已确定的微古生物组合显示出中央副特提斯不同盆地的古环境相似性。这支持了一个假设,即在最近的巴德尼亚期间中央帕特提斯的不同区域之间可能存在联系,