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Coronoidectomy as a treatment for mandibular immobility caused by fracture of the coronoid process in three horses
Equine Veterinary Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-26 , DOI: 10.1111/eve.13396
C. Magri 1 , M. Schramme 1 , K. Nottrott 1 , D. Schweizer‐Gorgas 2 , E. Segard 1 , G. Kelly 3 , J. Schumacher 4

This report describes the history, clinical signs and treatment of three horses suffering from deviation and immobility of the mandible resulting from fracture of a coronoid process of the mandible. Deviation and immobility resulted from impingement of a callus between the temporal bone and zygomatic arch. Fracture of the coronoid process was identified by using radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography or a combination of two or more of these imaging modalities. Osteoarthritis of the ipsilateral temporomandibular joint of two horses was identified. All horses were treated by excising the fractured coronoid process, and two were also treated by excising the diseased ipsilateral mandibular condyle. All horses were able to open their mouth more widely immediately after surgery. One horse experienced moderate post-operative haemorrhage, and all had severe shear mouth. Shear mouth was ameliorated gradually over many months by rasping dental overgrowths. Mandibular movement of all horses improved, allowing efficient mastication of feed. One horse was able to be used as a showjumper, one horse was sold at Thoroughbred yearling sales and was lost to follow-up, and one horse died from an unrelated gastrointestinal disease 10 months after mandibular coronoidectomy and condylectomy.



本报告描述了因下颌骨冠突骨折而导致下颌骨偏斜和不能活动的三匹马的病史、临床症状和治疗。由于颞骨和颧弓之间的愈伤组织受到撞击而导致偏离和不动。冠状突骨折通过使用放射照相术、超声检查、计算机断层扫描或这些成像方式中的两种或多种的组合来确定。确定了两匹马的同侧颞下颌关节的骨关节炎。所有马都通过切除骨折的冠突进行治疗,还有两匹马也通过切除患病的同侧下颌髁进行治疗。所有的马在手术后都能立即张大嘴巴。一匹马经历了中度术后出血,并且都有严重的剪口。几个月后,通过锉齿过度生长,剪口逐渐得到改善。所有马的下颌运动都得到改善,可以有效咀嚼饲料。一匹马可以用作表演赛马,一匹马在纯种一岁马销售处出售并失访,一匹马在下颌冠突和髁突切除术 10 个月后死于无关的胃肠道疾病。