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Counting subset repairs with functional dependencies
Journal of Computer and System Sciences ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcss.2020.10.001
Ester Livshits , Benny Kimelfeld , Jef Wijsen

We study the problem of counting the repairs of an inconsistent database in the case where constraints are Functional Dependencies (FDs). A repair is then a maximal independent set of the conflict graph, wherein nodes represent facts and edges represent violations. We establish a dichotomy in data complexity for the complete space of FDs: when the FD set has, up to equivalence, what we call a “left-hand-side chain,” the repairs can be counted in polynomial time; otherwise, the problem is P-complete. Moreover, the property of having a left-hand-side chain up to equivalence coincides with the condition that the conflict graph of every inconsistent database for the schema is P4-free, and it is polynomial-time decidable.



