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Towards a purchasing portfolio model for defence procurement – A Delphi study of Swedish defence authorities
International Journal of Production Economics ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107996
Thomas Ekström , Per Hilletofth , Per Skoglund

Abstract This study explains the constructs of a purchasing portfolio model (PPM) that defence authorities can use in practice in defence procurement and designs a segmentation model. We identify open PPM design and application questions in the literature and conduct a Delphi study with twenty experts from Swedish defence authorities to design a segmentation model that is fit-for-purpose. The paper addresses the open design and application questions discussed in the literature and satisfies the operational requirements of the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF). The proposed segmentation model builds on three dimensions: the operational requirements of the SwAF, the market's ability to deliver supplies on time, and limitations in the SwAF operational capability if the market does not deliver supplies on time. To reduce complexity, we propose a two-stage model in which we use one dimension as a precursor to a two-dimensional model. In the latter, we merge sixteen elements into one square along with three other segments which users should treat differently. The paper contributes to extant academic knowledge on PPMs by eliciting practitioners' views on open design and application questions. We develop the proposed segmentation model in cooperation with practitioners and believe that it will be of value in defence procurement practice.



摘要 本研究解释了国防当局可以在国防采购实践中使用的采购组合模型 (PPM) 的结构,并设计了一个分割模型。我们确定了文献中开放的 PPM 设计和应用问题,并与来自瑞典国防当局的 20 位专家进行了德尔福研究,以设计适合用途的分割模型。该论文解决了文献中讨论的开放式设计和应用问题,并满足了瑞典武装部队 (SwAF) 的作战要求。提议的细分模型建立在三个维度上:SwAF 的运营要求、市场准时交付供应的能力,以及如果市场不能按时交付供应,SwAF 运营能力的限制。为了降低复杂性,我们提出了一个两阶段模型,其中我们使用一维作为二维模型的前身。在后者中,我们将 16 个元素与用户应区别对待的其他三个部分合并到一个正方形中。该论文通过引出从业者对开放式设计和应用问题的看法,为现有的 PPM 学术知识做出了贡献。我们与从业者合作开发了拟议的细分模型,并相信它将在国防采购实践中具有价值。对开放式设计和应用问题的看法。我们与从业者合作开发了拟议的细分模型,并相信它将在国防采购实践中具有价值。对开放式设计和应用问题的看法。我们与从业者合作开发了拟议的细分模型,并相信它将在国防采购实践中具有价值。