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Arithmetic Expression Construction
arXiv - CS - Computational Complexity Pub Date : 2020-11-23 , DOI: arxiv-2011.11767
Leo Alcock, Sualeh Asif, Jeffrey Bosboom, Josh Brunner, Charlotte Chen, Erik D. Demaine, Rogers Epstein, Adam Hesterberg, Lior Hirschfeld, William Hu, Jayson Lynch, Sarah Scheffler, Lillian Zhang

When can $n$ given numbers be combined using arithmetic operators from a given subset of $\{+, -, \times, \div\}$ to obtain a given target number? We study three variations of this problem of Arithmetic Expression Construction: when the expression (1) is unconstrained; (2) has a specified pattern of parentheses and operators (and only the numbers need to be assigned to blanks); or (3) must match a specified ordering of the numbers (but the operators and parenthesization are free). For each of these variants, and many of the subsets of $\{+,-,\times,\div\}$, we prove the problem NP-complete, sometimes in the weak sense and sometimes in the strong sense. Most of these proofs make use of a "rational function framework" which proves equivalence of these problems for values in rational functions with values in positive integers.



何时可以使用算术运算符从$ \ {+,-,\ times,\ div \} $的给定子集中将给定的$ n $个数字组合起来以获得给定的目标数?我们研究了此算术表达式构造问题的三个变体:当表达式(1)不受约束时;(2)具有指定的括号和运算符模式(并且只需要将数字分配给空格);或(3)必须匹配数字的指定顺序(但运算符和括号是免费的)。对于这些变体中的每一个,以及$ \ {+,-,\ times,\ div \} $的许多子集,我们证明问题NP完全,有时是弱的,有时是强的。这些证明大多数都利用“有理函数框架”来证明这些问题对于有理函数中的值与正整数中的值是等效的。