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Generalized emptying criteria for finite-lengthed capillary
Physical Review Fluids ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevfluids.5.112201
Gopal Verma , Chaudry S. Saraj , Gyanendra Yadav , Subhash C. Singh , Chunlei Guo

When a partially filled glass is gently tilted, the liquid can go over its brim without spilling. This happens because of the surface tension and has a direct indication when studying the emptying of a partially filled capillary by modifying the present mathematical criteria of critical emptying. Here, we present an experimental study of the edge effect on emptying a finite-lengthed horizontal capillary, a condition that has never been studied before. We observed that due to the edge meniscus from the finite length of the capillary, critical emptying conditions are significantly altered. Furthermore, by optimizing the edge parameters and the brim wetting effect, water can hold onto much wider capillary brims. We performed numerical simulations using realistic geometries and found excellent agreements with our experimental results. Our results generalize the capillary emptying criterion so that they can be used in realistic geometries and provide guidance in understanding a wide range of phenomena in microfluidics and optofluidics.


