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Growth of Stegophiura nodosa (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) in the Pechora Sea
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315420001010
Ekaterina A. Stratanenko , Stanislav G. Denisenko

The brittle star Stegophiura nodosa is one of the most abundant ophiuroid species living in Arctic seas and serves as a food resource for demersal fish. The study of autecological and biological patterns of S. nodosa is important for understanding the species reaction to environmental change. The growth features and growth rate of this brittle star from the Pechora Sea were estimated using the Gompertz equation as the basic mathematical model and compared with Bertalanffy equation parameters. Individual age was evaluated by counting the ring-shaped growth marks in the calcite structure of the animal's vertebral ossicle, where each visible ring was considered to be an annual growth mark. The calculations indicated: the theoretical limiting radius of the brittle star's ossicle (R) averages 318 ± 18 μm, and the exponential deceleration of the specific growth rate (g) is found to be 0.46 ± 0.02. The initial hidden growth marks were found to vary from 1–3, and the maximum lifespan of S. nodosa in the Pechora Sea (SE of the Barents Sea) is evaluated to be 9–10 years.


在伯朝拉海生长的结节剑鞘 (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea)

脆弱的星星结节剑兰是生活在北极海域的最丰富的类蛇类物种之一,是底层鱼类的食物资源。自体生态学和生物学模式的研究结节链球菌对于了解物种对环境变化的反应很重要。以 Gompertz 方程为基本数学模型,并与 Bertalanffy 方程参数进行比较,估计了这颗来自伯朝拉海的脆星的生长特征和生长速率。通过计算动物椎骨的方解石结构中的环形生长标记来评估个体年龄,其中每个可见的环都被认为是一个年度生长标记。计算表明:脆星听小骨的理论极限半径(R) 平均为 318 ± 18 μm,比生长速率呈指数减速 (G) 为 0.46 ± 0.02。发现最初隐藏的生长痕迹从 1 到 3 不等,最长寿命为结节链球菌在伯朝拉海(巴伦支海的东南部)被评估为 9-10 年。