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Tools to Tie: Flower Characteristics, VOC Emission Profile, and Glandular Trichomes of Two Mexican Salvia Species to Attract Bees
Plants ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.3390/plants9121645
Claudia Giuliani , Manuela Giovanetti , Daniela Lupi , Marco Palamara Mesiano , Renata Barilli , Roberta Ascrizzi , Guido Flamini , Gelsomina Fico

A plant can combine physical and chemical tools to interact with other organisms. Some are designed for pollinator attraction (i.e., colors and volatile organic compounds-VOCs); others can act to discourage herbivores (i.e., non-glandular trichomes). Few studies fully address available tools in a single species; notwithstanding, this information can be pivotal in understanding new interactions out of the home range. We characterized flower traits, emission profiles of constitutive compounds from flowers and leaves, micro-morphology of the glandular trichomes, and listed flower visitors of two Mexican bird-pollinated Salvia species (S. blepharophylla and S. greggii), growing in an Italian botanical garden. Flowers were highly variable in their morphometric characteristics. In both species, four trichome morphotypes with similar histochemistry and distribution were documented for leaves and flowers except the calyx abaxial side. The vegetative emission profiles were qualitatively more complex than the floral ones; however, common compounds occurring in high relative percentages were β-caryophyllene and germacrene D. Floral bouquets were dominated by limonene and β-pinene in S. greggii and by 1,8-cineole in S. blepharophylla. Two potential (non-bird) pollinators were especially abundant: small bees belonging to the genus Lasioglossum and large bees belonging to the species Xylocopa violacea. Our study highlights the plasticity of these plants, as well as tools that can be conveniently used to establish novel interactions.



植物可以结合物理和化学工具来与其他生物相互作用。有些是为吸引传粉媒介而设计的(,颜色和挥发性有机化合物-VOC);其他人可以阻止食草动物(非腺毛)。很少有研究能完全解决单个物种中的可用工具。尽管如此,这些信息对于理解家庭之外的新互动可能至关重要。我们表征了花性状,花朵和叶子中组成成分的发射特征,腺毛的微观形态,并列出了两种墨西哥鸟类授粉的丹参属植物(S. blepharophyllaS. greggii)的花访客),生长在意大利植物园中。花的形态特征变化很大。在这两个物种中,除了花萼背面外,都记录了叶子和花具有相似组织化学和分布的四种毛状体形态型。从质量上说,植物的排放量要比花香复杂。然而,在高相对百分比存在的常见化合物是β石竹烯和大根香叶烯D.花束通过在柠檬烯和β蒎烯为主S. greggii并通过在1,8-桉树脑S. blepharophylla。两个潜在的(非鸟)传粉者尤其是丰富的:属小蜜蜂Lasioglossum和大蜜蜂属于物种Xylocopa violacea。我们的研究突出了这些植物的可塑性,以及可以方便地用于建立新型相互作用的工具。