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Journal of Neurochemistry ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1111/jnc.15187

*The following article from the Journal of Neurochemistry has been corrected:

‘’microRNA‐9‐5p alleviates blood–brain barrier damage and neuroinflammation after traumatic brain injury’’ by Jingchuan Wu, Junchi He, Xiaocui Tian, Yuetao Luo, Jianjun Zhong, Hongrong Zhang, Hui Li, Bo Cen, Tao Jiang and Xiaochuan Sun J. Neurochem., 153: 710‐726.

The authors of this article found some discrepancy between the description in the article and the version submitted.
  1. The concentration description for agomir and antagomir in vivo were incorrectly stated on page 4. The sentence "MiRNA‐9‐5p agomir (or inhibitor) (RiboBio) was diluted to 5 nM (5 µl) according to the manufacturer's instructions." should read "MiRNA‐9‐5p agomir or antagomir (RiboBio) was diluted to 2.5 nmol/5 µl or 5 nmol/5 µl according to the manufacturer's instructions."
  2. Following discussion with other team members on the above discrepancy, the authors came to the conclusion that the typo, "5 nM" should be removed from the legend to Figure 1a and for Figure 1b on page 3 of the published manuscript.

The authors would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused.




吴静川,何俊池,田小翠,罗跃涛,钟建军,钟宏红,张宏荣,李慧,岑博,姜涛和小川“ microRNA-9-5p减轻脑外伤后的血脑屏障损伤和神经炎症” Sun J.Neurochem。,153:710-726。

  1. 在第4页上错误地说明了阿戈密尔和antagomir的体内浓度描述。根据制造商的说明,句子“ MiRNA-9-5p阿戈密尔(或抑制剂)(RiboBio)稀释至5 nM(5 µl)”。应阅读“按照制造商的说明将MiRNA-9-5p agomir或antagomir(RiboBio)稀释至2.5 nmol / 5 µl或5 nmol / 5 µl”。
  2. 在与其他小组成员讨论了上述差异之后,作者得出的结论是,应从图例的图例中删除“ 5 nM”拼写,并将已出版手稿的第3页上的图1b删除。

