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Early detection of date alternate bearing disorder based on physiological marker of carbon allocation and evaluation of the disorder using trehalose as allocation modifier
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11738-020-03165-2
Majid Alikhani-Koupaei , Morteza Soleimani Aghdam

The carbohydrate evaluation of organs (fruit, leaflet and root) at important physiological stages (three peaks of fruit abscission, harvest and before flower induction) on 60 ‘Mazafati’ date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) trees in five groves with a history of alternate bearing disorder showed that leaflet starch content before flower induction was the best physiological marker for early detection of this disorder based on both the biennial bearing index (BBI) and fruit bunch number. The differences in carbohydrate between organs in different loading trees were not due to differences in the chlorophyll pigments and photosynthesis rate and were the affect of different loadings on source–sink regulation. The 2-year leaf spray of trehalose disaccharide before flower induction stage on Off trees by activating oxidative stress, increasing leaf hydrogen peroxide index, indicated that these loading differences were due to changes in the allocation of carbohydrate types between organs at this stage. The changing carbohydrate allocation pattern in favor of increasing the leaflet starch compared to other two organs before flower induction by trehalose treatment while increasing flower induction in the Off trees, increasing the bunch number, resulted in controlling the alternate bearing to improve annual production indices and preserving the physicochemical properties of the fruit consistent with the non-alternate bearing trees.



在60个'Mazafati'枣椰树(Phoenix dactylifera)的重要生理阶段(果实脱落,收获和诱导花前的三个高峰)器官(果实,小叶和根)的碳水化合物评估L.)的5个树丛中有交替性轴承失调史的树表明,基于两年生轴承指数(BBI)和果实束数,花诱导前的小叶淀粉含量是早期发现该病的最佳生理指标。不同负荷树中各器官之间碳水化合物的差异并不是由于叶绿素色素和光合作用速率的差异,而是由于不同负荷对源库调节的影响。在花诱导期之前通过激活氧化应激在Off树木上进行2年的海藻糖二糖叶喷雾,激活氧化应激,增加叶片过氧化氢指数,表明这些负载差异是由于该阶段器官之间碳水化合物类型分配的变化所致。
