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Clinical-parasitological screening for respiratory capillariosis in cats in urban environments
Helminthologia ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.2478/helm-2020-0046
P. Stepanović 1 , D. Despotović 2 , S. Dimitrijević 3 , T. Ilić 3

Summary Respiratory capillariosis is a widely distributed zoonotic parasitic disease caused by the nematode Capillaria aerophila (Trichocephalida, Trichuridae) that commonly infects wild carnivores but also cats and dogs. This retrospective study aims to describe cases of respiratory capillariosis in cats from the city of Belgrade, Serbia. Between 2015 and 2019, a total of 155 pet cats with or without respiratory symptoms were submitted to physical examination and parasitological examination of the feces. All cats lived indoor but had free access to outdoor. In suburban settlements, wild carnivores commonly share their living environments with owned cats and dogs. It can be assumed that more intense urbanization spreading into the natural habitats of will carnivores creates the opportunity for closer and more frequent contacts between the population of cats and feral carnivores which might increase the risk of feline contamination. The findings confirm the existence of capillaries in cats in urban areas of the city of Belgrade, contribute to a better understanding of the epidemiology of this nematode and warn that, because of close contacts between cats of pets and humans, capillaries can cause human infection.



小结 呼吸道毛细血管病是一种广泛分布的人畜共患寄生虫病,由嗜氧线虫(Trichocephalida,Trichuridae)引起,通常感染野生食肉动物,也感染猫和狗。这项回顾性研究旨在描述来自塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德市的猫的呼吸道毛细血管病病例。2015年至2019年共对155只有或无呼吸道症状的宠物猫进行粪便体检和寄生虫学检查。所有的猫都住在室内,但可以自由进入室外。在郊区定居点,野生食肉动物通常与自己的猫和狗共享生活环境。可以假设,更密集的城市化蔓延到意志食肉动物的自然栖息地,为猫群与野生食肉动物之间更密切和更频繁的接触创造了机会,这可能会增加猫科动物感染的风险。研究结果证实了贝尔格莱德市城市地区猫体内存在毛细血管,有助于更好地了解这种线虫的流行病学,并警告说,由于宠物猫与人类之间的密切接触,毛细血管会导致人类感染。