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Risk Assessment of Potential Food Chain Threats from Edible Wild Mushrooms Collected in Forest Ecosystems with Heavy Metal Pollution in Upper Silesia, Poland
Forests ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.3390/f11121240
Marek Pająk , Michał Gąsiorek , Michał Jasik , Wiktor Halecki , Krzysztof Otremba , Marcin Pietrzykowski

In this study, the contents of selected heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Ni) and macroelements (C, N, K, P, S, Mg, Na, and Ca) were measured in wild mushrooms growing in a heavily polluted forest ecosystem in the northeastern part of the Upper Silesian Industrial Region. The research was conducted on 10 species of mushrooms belonging to three families: Boletaceae, Russulaceae, and Suillaceae. Using a spatial autoregressive model, the study showed a strong relationship between heavy metal concentrations (especially Zn, Pb, and Cd) and the distance from a source of industrial pollution (a zinc smelter, Huta Miasteczko Śląskie). The concentrations of potentially toxic metals (Pb and Cd) in mushrooms significantly exceeded food-acceptable standards. The bioconcentration factor (BCF), calculated as the ratio between the concentration in mushroom tissues and in forest soils overall, reached the highest values for cadmium (Cd). The highest accumulation capacity for Cd was noted for Imleria badia (BCF = 9.18), which was also the most abundant mushroom species in the study plots. In general, the established threshold values for Pb and Cd concentrations in consumer mushrooms and food products were exceeded up to almost 30-fold in the studied area. We conclude that the potential risk to human health of the toxic elements that enter the food chain through the harvesting and consumption of wild mushrooms from this region is significant.



在这项研究中,测量了野生蘑菇生长中选定的重金属(锌,铜,镉,铅,铬和镍)和常量元素(碳,氮,钾,磷,硫,镁,钠和钙)的含量。在上西里西亚工业区东北部一个污染严重的森林生态系统中。这项研究是对10种进行属于三个家庭蘑菇:牛肝菌科红菇科Suillaceae。使用空间自回归模型,研究表明重金属浓度(尤其是Zn,Pb和Cd)与距工业污染源(锌冶炼厂Huta MiasteczkoŚląskie)的距离之间存在很强的关系。蘑菇中有毒金属(铅和镉)的浓度大大超过了食品可接受的标准。以蘑菇组织和森林土壤中的总浓度之比计算的生物富集系数(BCF)达到了镉(Cd)的最高值。镉的积累量最高容量注意到褐绒盖牛肝菌(BCF = 9.18),它也是研究区中最丰富的蘑菇种类。通常,在研究区域内,食用蘑菇和食品中铅和镉的浓度阈值已超过近30倍。我们得出结论,通过从该地区收获和食用野生蘑菇进入食物链的有毒元素可能对人类健康构成潜在风险。