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Multi-objective scheduling in labor-intensive manufacturing systems
Journal of Manufacturing Systems ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2020.08.014
Gürsel Süer , Najat Almasarwah , Omar Alhawari , Casey Davis

Abstract In a manufacturing facility, the decision maker considers customer satisfaction as an essential priority in which customer due dates should be met. The cell loading, scheduling and the total manpower are considered among the main decisions in a manufacturing system. Three performance measures are studied in this paper and they are the number of tardy jobs, total manpower, and average flow time. Two approaches are proposed to handle such performance measures. In the first approach, lexicographical analysis is proposed to achieve the objectives, when the performance measures are not equally important. A three-phase methodology is introduced. In the first phase, a mathematical model has been used to maximize the output rate by allocating manpower to operations for several manpower levels. In the second phase, another mathematical model is developed based on the results of the first phase to minimize total manpower such that no job is tardy (i.e., the number of tardy jobs ( N T = 0)). In the third phase, a mathematical model is also proposed to minimize the average flow time based on the results obtained in the first and the second phases. The second approach allows varying weights for minimizing average flow time and total manpower subject to zero tardy jobs due to considerations for customer satisfaction. Thus, a two-phase methodology is followed, and a bi-objective fuzzy mathematical model is developed. Two-phase methodology produced similar results to three-phase methodology for certain values of weights assigned to performance measures. Three-phase methodology was efficient for lexicographical analysis. Furthermore, the number of cells in the system is affected by the nature of due dates. The number of cells and total manpower increase when the due dates are tight and decrease when the due dates are relaxed.



摘要 在制造设施中,决策者将客户满意度视为应满足客户到期日的基本优先事项。单元装载、调度和总人力被认为是制造系统中的主要决策之一。本文研究了三个绩效指标,它们是迟到工作的数量、总人力和平均流动时间。提出了两种方法来处理此类性能度量。在第一种方法中,当性能度量不是同等重要时,提出了字典序分析来实现目标。介绍了一种三阶段方法。在第一阶段,已使用数学模型通过将人力分配到多个人力级别的操作来最大化产出率。在第二阶段,另一个数学模型是根据第一阶段的结果开发的,以尽量减少总人力,从而没有工作迟到(即,迟到工作的数量(NT = 0))。在第三阶段,还根据第一阶段和第二阶段获得的结果提出了一个数学模型来最小化平均流动时间。出于对客户满意度的考虑,第二种方法允许改变权重以最小化平均流动时间和受制于零延迟工作的总人力。因此,遵循两阶段方法,并开发了双目标模糊数学模型。对于分配给绩效度量的某些权重值,两阶段方法产生了与三阶段方法相似的结果。三阶段方法对于词典分析是有效的。此外,系统中的单元格数量受到期日性质的影响。细胞数量和总人力在到期日紧张时增加,在到期日放宽时减少。