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Trophic and fitness correlates of mercury and organochlorine compound residues in egg-laying Antarctic petrels
Environmental Research ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110518
Alice Carravieri , Nicholas A. Warner , Dorte Herzke , Maud Brault-Favrou , Arnaud Tarroux , Jérôme Fort , Paco Bustamante , Sébastien Descamps

Understanding the drivers and effects of exposure to contaminants such as mercury (Hg) and organochlorine compounds (OCs) in Antarctic wildlife is still limited. Yet, Hg and OCs have known physiological and fitness effects in animals, with consequences on their populations. Here we measured total Hg (a proxy of methyl-Hg) in blood cells and feathers, and 12 OCs (seven polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, and five organochlorine pesticides, OCPs) in plasma of 30 breeding female Antarctic petrels Thalassoica antarctica from one of the largest colonies in Antarctica (Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land). This colony is declining and there is poor documentation on the potential role played by contaminants on individual physiology and fitness. Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope values measured in the females' blood cells and feathers served as proxies of their feeding ecology during the pre-laying (austral spring) and moulting (winter) periods, respectively. We document feather Hg concentrations (mean ± SD, 2.41 ± 0.83 μg g−1 dry weight, dw) for the first time in this species. Blood cell Hg concentrations (1.38 ± 0.43 μg g−1 dw) were almost twice as high as those reported in a recent study, and increased with pre-laying trophic position (blood cell δ15N). Moulting trophic ecology did not predict blood Hg concentrations. PCB concentrations were very low (Σ7PCBs, 0.35 ± 0.31 ng g−1 wet weight, ww). Among OCPs, HCB (1.02 ± 0.36 ng g−1 ww) and p, p’-DDE (1.02 ± 1.49 ng g−1 ww) residues were comparable to those of ecologically-similar polar seabirds, while Mirex residues (0.72 ± 0.35 ng g−1 ww) were higher. PCB and OCP concentrations showed no clear relationship with pre-laying or moulting feeding ecology, indicating that other factors overcome dietary drivers. OC residues were inversely related to body condition, suggesting stronger release of OCs into the circulation of egg-laying females upon depletion of their lipid reserves. Egg volume, hatching success, chick body condition and survival were not related to maternal Hg or OC concentrations. Legacy contaminant exposure does not seem to represent a threat for the breeding fraction of this population over the short term. Yet, exposure to contaminants, especially Mirex, and other concurring environmental stressors should be monitored over the long-term in this declining population.



对南极野生动物接触汞(Hg)和有机氯化合物(OCs)等污染物的驱动因素和影响的了解仍然有限。然而,Hg和OCs在动物中具有生理和健身作用,并对其种群产生影响。在这里,我们从30种繁殖的南极雌海藻Thalassoica antarctica的其中一个中,测量了血细胞和羽毛中的总Hg(甲基Hg的替代物)和血浆中的12种OC(七种多氯联苯,PCB和五种有机氯农药,OCP)。南极最大的殖民地(Svarthamaren,Dronning Maud土地)。这个殖民地正在减少,关于污染物对个体生理和健康的潜在作用的文献很少。碳(δ 13 C)和氮(δ 15N)在雌性血细胞和羽毛中测得的稳定同位素值分别作为预产期(春季)和换羽期(冬季)的摄食生态指标。我们首次记录了该物种的羽毛Hg浓度(平均值±SD,2.41±0.83μgg -1干重,dw)。血细胞汞浓度(1.38±0.43微克克-1 DW)几乎两倍高那些在最近的研究报告,并与预先铺设营养位置(血球δ增加15 N)。蜕变的营养生态学不能预测血液中的汞浓度。PCB浓度非常低(Σ 7个多氯联苯,0.35±0.31纳克克-1湿重,湿重)。在OCP中,六氯代苯(1.02±0.36 ng g -1ww)和p, p'-DDE(1.02±1.49 ng g -1 ww)残基与生态相似的极地海鸟的残基相当,而Mirex残基(0.72±0.35 ng g -1ww)更高。PCB和OCP的浓度与产蛋前或换羽期的饲喂生态没有明显关系,表明其他因素克服了饮食驱动因素。OC残留与身体状况成反比,表明在消耗脂质储备后,OCs更强地释放到产卵雌性动物的循环中。卵的体积,孵化成功率,雏鸡的身体状况和存活率与母体的Hg或OC浓度无关。在短期内,遗留污染物的暴露似乎并不构成对该种群繁殖比例的威胁。但是,应该从长期来看,在这一数量下降的人群中监测污染物(尤其是灭蚁灵)和其他同时引起的环境压力。
