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Macromolecules ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c02426
Marc Hillmyer

I could not be more pleased with the 2020 special editorials in Macromolecules that highlighted some of our most influential publications since the first issue in January of 1968. This series was curated to recognize and commemorate Prof. Herman Staudinger’s “Über Polymerization” published in 1920.(1) In the last half of this first century of polymer science, Macromolecules has played a key role in defining and framing the field through publication of the highest quality polymer science from across the globe. Certainly, this series of editorials highlighted a key subset of those publications, but there are innumerable others from early issues that continue to be citation classics, and even more recent Macromolecules publications could be considered instant classics, to borrow a sports analogy. I extend my sincere and heartfelt thank you to all the authors who took a good deal of time out of their schedules to contribute to the series. All of the editorials were quite the pleasure to read. More than just summaries, these editorials offer insights into why the selected publications were so important and how they helped shape the future of polymer science. More than just honoring these important publications, I am certain that these editorials will be used as important educational pieces for younger generations of polymer scientists just starting off their careers. We have collected the editorials on an ACS Axial site (https://axial.acs.org/2020/02/04/celebrate-the-second-century-of-polymer-science) so that we can all have ready access to them going forward. While 2020 may not be first remembered as marking the sunrise of the second century of polymer science, I for one am encouraged by the exciting new developments as we embark on new scientific journeys in the world of polymers that will shape our fundamental thinking, form the basis of new technologies, and positively impact society on a broad scale. Let me also take this opportunity to congratulate the 2020 Recipients of the ACS Macro Letters/Biomacromolecules/Macromolecules Young Investigator Award: Prof. Keiji Numata from Kyoto University and Prof. Rodney Priestley from Princeton University. Very well deserved indeed! Please nominate outstanding young polymer scientists for the 2021 Award. Nominations are due on January 18, 2021, and the details can be found on the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Web site (https://polyacs.org/biomacromolecules-macromolecules-young-investigator-award/). Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS. This article references 1 other publications.



我对2020年的大分子特别社论感到十分满意,该文章着重介绍了自1968年1月第一期以来我们最具影响力的出版物。该系列旨在表彰和纪念Herman Staudinger教授在1920年出版的“ÜberPolymerization”。 (1)在本世纪高分子科学的后半叶,大分子通过在全球范围内发表最优质的高分子科学,在定义和构筑该领域方面发挥了关键作用。当然,这一系列的社论强调了这些出版物的关键子集,但是从早期发行的无数出版物中,仍然是经典著作,甚至是最近的大分子著作。借用体育类比,出版物可以被视为即时经典。在此,我向所有花费大量时间为该系列作贡献的作者深表谢意。所有社论都很高兴阅读。这些社论不仅仅是摘要,还提供了有关为何所选出版物如此重要以及它们如何帮助塑造高分子科学的未来的见解。我敢肯定,这些社论不只是荣誉这些重要的出版物,还将用作对刚开始其职业的年轻一代聚合物科学家的重要教育著作。我们已经在ACS Axial网站(https://axial.acs.org/2020/02/04/celebrate-the-second-century-of-polymer-science)上收集了社论,以便我们所有人都可以随时访问他们前进。尽管可能不会首先记住2020年标志着聚合物科学第二个世纪的曙光,但是当我们踏入聚合物世界的新科学旅程将塑造我们的基本思维,形成世界时,我为令人振奋的新发展感到鼓舞。新技术的基础,对社会产生广泛的积极影响。让我也借此机会祝贺2020年的ACS Macro Letters / Biomacromolecules / Macromolecules青年研究奖:京都大学Numata Keiji教授和普林斯顿大学Rodney Priestley教授。确实是当之无愧的!请提名2021年杰出的年轻聚合物科学家。提名将于2021年1月18日到期,有关详细信息,请访问ACS聚合物化学分部网站(https://polyacs.org/biomacromolecules-macromolecules-young-investigator-award/)。本社论中表达的观点只是作者的观点,不一定是ACS的观点。本文引用了其他1个出版物。