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Hidden anomalous Hall effect inSr2RuO4with chiral superconductivity dominated by the Rudxyorbital
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.102.180509
Jia-Long Zhang , Yu Li , Wen Huang , Fu-Chun Zhang

The polar Kerr effect in superconducting Sr2RuO4 implies finite ac anomalous Hall conductivity. Since intrinsic anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is not expected for a chiral superconducting pairing developed on the single Ru dxy orbital, multiorbital chiral pairing actively involving the Ru dxz and dyz orbitals has been proposed as a potential mechanism. Here we propose that AHE could still arise even if the chiral superconductivity is predominantly driven by the dxy orbital. This is demonstrated through two separate models which take into account subdominant orbitals in the Cooper pairing, one involving the oxygen px and py orbitals in the RuO2 plane, and another the dxz and dyz orbitals. In both models, finite orbital mixing between the dominant dxy and the other orbitals may induce interorbital pairing between them, and the resultant states support intrinsic AHE, with Kerr rotation angles that could potentially reconcile with the experimental observation. Our proposal therefore sheds new light on the microscopic pairing in Sr2RuO4. We also show that intrinsic Hall effect is generally absent for nonchiral states such as S+iD, D+iP, and D+iG, which provides a clear constraint on the symmetry of the superconducting order in this material.



超导中的极性克尔效应 r2O4意味着有限的交流异常霍尔电导率。由于对于单个Ru上形成的手性超导对,预期不存在固有的异常霍尔效应(AHE)dXÿ 参与Ru的轨道,多轨道手性配对 dXždÿž有人提出将轨道作为一种潜在的机制。在这里,我们提出即使手性超导主要由氢原子驱动,AHE仍然可能出现。dXÿ轨道。这是通过两个独立的模型证明的,这些模型考虑了库珀配对中的主要轨道,其中一个涉及氧pXpÿ 在轨道 Ø2 飞机,另一个 dXždÿž轨道。在这两个模型中,主要轨道之间的有限轨道混合dXÿ其他轨道可能会在它们之间引起轨道间配对,并且所得状态支持本征AHE,其Kerr旋转角可能与实验观察相符。因此,我们的建议为显微配对提供了新的思路。r2O4。我们还表明,对于非手性状态,例如,通常没有内在霍尔效应小号+一世d d+一世Pd+一世G,这对这种材料中超导阶的对称性提供了明确的约束。