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Lunar Exploration as a Probe of Ancient Venus
The Planetary Science Journal ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-20 , DOI: 10.3847/psj/abbc18
Samuel H. C. Cabot , Gregory Laughlin

An ancient Venusian rock could constrain that planet’s history and reveal the past existence of oceans. Such samples may persist on the Moon, which lacks an atmosphere and significant geological activity. We demonstrate that, if Venus’ atmosphere was at any point thin and similar to Earth’s, then asteroid impacts transferred potentially detectable amounts of Venusian surface material to the lunar regolith. Venus experiences an enhanced flux, relative to Earth, of asteroid collisions that eject lightly shocked (≲40 GPa) surface material. Initial launch conditions plus close encounters and resonances with Venus evolve ejecta trajectories into Earth-crossing orbits. Using analytic models for crater ejecta and N-body simulations, we find that more than 0.07% of the ejecta lands on the Moon. The lunar regolith will contain up to 0.2 ppm Venusian material if Venus lost its water in the last 3.5 Gyr. If water was lost more than 4 Gyr ago, 0.3 ppm of the deep megaregolith is of Venusian origin. About half of collisions between ejecta and the Moon occur at ≲6 km s−1, which hydrodynamical simulations have indicated is sufficient to avoid significant shock alteration. Therefore, recovery and isotopic analyses of Venusian surface samples would determine with high confidence both whether and when Venus harbored liquid oceans and/or a lower-mass atmosphere. Tests on brecciated clasts in existing lunar samples from Apollo missions may provide an immediate resolution. Alternatively, regolith characterization by upcoming lunar missions may provide answers to these fundamental questions surrounding Venus’ evolution.



古老的维纳斯岩石可能会限制该星球的历史并揭示海洋的过去。这样的样本可能会在缺乏大气层和明显地质活动的月球上持续存在。我们证明,如果金星的大气层在任何点都稀薄且与地球相似,那么小行星撞击会将潜在可检测量的金星表面物质转移到月球巨石。金星经历了相对于地球增强的小行星碰撞通量,该碰撞发射出了轻度撞击(≲40 GPa)的表面物质。初始发射条件加上与金星的近距离相遇和共鸣将弹射轨迹演变成穿越地球的轨道。对火山口弹射和N使用解析模型人体模拟,我们发现超过0.07%的弹射器降落在月球上。如果金星在最近的3.5 Gyr中失水,则月球巨石将包含高达0.2 ppm的金星物质。如果在4 Gyr之前失去了水,那么0.3 ppm的深巨石属于金星。喷射器与月球之间约有一半的碰撞发生在≲6km s -1,其水动力模拟已经表明足以避免重大的冲击变化。因此,金星表面样本的回收和同位素分析将以高可信度确定金星是否以及何时隐匿液态海洋和/或低质量大气层。对来自阿波罗任务的现有月球样品中的角砾岩碎屑进行的测试可能会立即解决。另外,即将进行的登月任务对re石的表征可能会为围绕金星演化的这些基本问题提供答案。
