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The research of the dynamics and the form of supercavities during separate and simultaneous motion of strikers under hydroballistic track conditions
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Pub Date : 2020-11-21 , DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1666/1/012004
S A Afanas’eva , V V Burkin , A S Diachkovskiy , A N Ischenko , K S Rogaev , A Ju Sammel , A D Sidorov , A V Chupashev

The research considers high-speed separate and simultaneous movement of an elongated metal strikers at supercavitation conditions. In the zone around a striker in water the high pressure area appears which makes the adjacent layers of water move. In case of a parallel high-velocity motion of a set of strikers, it is reasonable to assume the availability of the effects caused by their mutual close location.



