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Dippers from the TESS Full-frame Images. I. Results of the First One Year Data and Discovery of a Runaway Dipper
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-23 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/abbc17
Tomoyuki Tajiri 1 , Hajime Kawahara 1, 2 , Masataka Aizawa 3 , Michiko S. Fujii 4 , Kohei Hattori 5, 6, 7 , Yui Kasagi 8 , Takayuki Kotani 6, 8, 9 , Kento Masuda 10, 11 , Munetake Momose 12 , Takayuki Muto 13 , Ryou Ohsawa 14 , Satoshi Takita 6

We present a comprehensive catalog of the dippers—young stellar objects that exhibit episodic dimming—derived from one year’s worth of data of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) full-frame images. In the survey, we found 35 dippers using the convolutional neural network, most of them newly discovered. Although these dippers are widely distributed over the first half-hemisphere that TESS surveyed, we identified the majority’s membership with the nearest association Scorpius–Centaurus, Velorum OB2, and the nearby Orion molecular cloud complex. However, several dippers are likely to be located in the field. We also found three old dippers whose age exceeds 10 million years, which is considered to be the disk dissipation time. The color–color diagram indicates that these old dippers are likely to have an extreme debris disk. In particular, we found a runaway old dipper having a large three-dimensional velocity of 72 km s−1. The dippers in the field, which were probably escaping from their birth molecular clouds or were born outside the current area of star-forming regions, are more common than previously considered.



我们提供了北斗星的全面目录,北斗星是表现出周期性变暗的年轻恒星物体,其源于一年的过渡系外行星调查卫星(TESS)全帧图像数据。在调查中,我们使用卷积神经网络发现了35个北斗星,其中大多数是新发现的。尽管在北半球TESS调查的前半球中这些北斗星分布广泛,但我们确定了大多数北斗星的成员身份,包括最近的天蝎座-半人马座,Velorum OB2和附近的Orion分子云复合体。但是,可能会在野外放置多个北斗。我们还发现了三个寿命超过1000万年的北斗七星,这被认为是磁盘耗散时间。彩色图表表明,这些旧的北斗星可能具有极端的碎片盘。-1。可能是从其出生分子云逃逸出来或在当前恒星形成区域外出生的北斗星比以前认为的更为常见。
