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Microbiology can make a great contribution to the new direction of global politics
Annals of Microbiology ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s13213-020-01609-1
Claudia Sorlini

Our planet is currently being challenged by climate change which is causing severe consequences on the environment, economy, and social wellbeing. The main cause is the use of non-renewable energy sources, used in all anthropogenic activities. To this emergency, the problems of pollution are added. In particular, plastics that invade the planet are the most blatant phenomenon, and the nonsensical use of natural resources including water is also highly responsible. The United Nations Organization is so convinced of the need for all countries to face the transition towards a sustainable development model that it has dedicated to this aim the 2030 Agenda launched in 2015. The 2030 Agenda is articulated in the "17 Sustainable Development Goals" (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/). The European Parliament, with the recently approved Green Deal strategy (2020), is also showing a strong commitment in the same direction (https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en). Changing strategy is possible only under certain conditions, one of which, absolutely necessary, is represented by an extraordinary effort to support basic and applied scientific research. Unfortunately, this support is in short supply in many countries.

In this context, microbiology can make a great contribution to the new direction of global politics. The processes, of which the microorganisms are the driving force, require a lower energy input than similar processes carried out chemically. In addition, these processes take place according to natural pathways, thus producing marketable and waste products that can re-enter the biogeochemical cycles (Cavicchioli et al., 2019; Timmis et al., 2019).

Currently, microorganisms are used in a large number of activities both in primary and secondary production (biocides, bioinoculants, food processing, improvement of food quality, production of bioactive molecules, bioenergy, cell factories, plant biofertilizers, etc.) and services (soil bioremediation, water purification, etc.). Research could certainly broaden the fields of microbial application and improve efficiency and product quality. For instance, it is estimated that an increase in the efficiency of symbiotic nitrogen fixation can result in savings of 1067 million dollars per year in the USA alone in the purchase of nitrogen fertilizers and a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Seshadri et al., 2015). A similar rationale could be applied to pesticides, bioplastics, production of bioactive molecules for food, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Greater investment should also be directed to research into harmful and pathogenic microorganisms, given the importance they can assume, as in the case of the pandemic we are now experiencing dramatically. In general, however, greater attention is needed towards the world of infinitely small organisms, but which, as demonstrated, for better or worse, can be decisive in the life of humans, animals, plants, and the planet.

Collaboration between researchers is essential for understanding the complexity of natural and anthropogenic phenomena. Consequently, Annals of Microbiology has decided to be available in the open access form since 2020. The editorial board was inspired by the same motivation this journal had when it was born 80 years ago. It offered a space in which researchers could make openly known their scientific acquisitions and contact each other to access information and knowledge. This function has never failed, not even in the years of the Second World War, during which the journal continued to be published.

In 1999, the journal, born in 1940 as Annali di Microbiologia (Fig. 1), took on its current name and a more marked international dimension. For 80 years, it has given thousands of researchers the opportunity to publish, thanks also to the painstaking and competent work of several thousand reviewers whose generous support never failed. Together with the current Editor-in-Chief, I would like to express my gratitude and my warmest thanks to them and to the members of the international editorial boards who have succeeded one another, with the hope that the journal will continue to satisfy the greater and greater need for excellent quality and innovation in science.

Fig. 1

The first volume of the journal

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  1. Cavicchioli R, Ripple WJ, Timmis KN, Azam F, Bakken LR, Baylis M, Behrenfeld MJ, Boetius A, Boyd PW, Classen AT, Crowther TW, Danovaro R, Foreman CM, Huisman J, Hutchins DA, Jansson JK, Karl DM, Koskella B, Mark Welch DB, Martiny JBH, Moran MA, Orphan VJ, Reay DS, Remais JV, Rich VI, Singh BK, Stein LY, Stewart FJ, Sullivan MB, van Oppen MJH, Weaver SC, Webb EA, Webster NS (2019) Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change. Nat Rev Microbiol 17:596–586. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-019-0222-5

    CAS Article Google Scholar

  2. https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en. Accessed 7 Nov 2020.

  3. https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/. Accessed 7 Nov 2020.

  4. Seshadri R, Reeve WG, Ardley JK, Tennessen K, Woyke T, Kyrpides NC, Ivanova NN (2015) Discovery of novel plant interaction determinants from the genomes of 163 root nodule bacteria. Sci Rep 5:16825. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep16825

    CAS Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar

  5. Timmis K, Cavicchioli R, Garcia JL, Nogales B, Chavarría M, Stein L, McGenity TJ, Webster N, Singh BK, Handelsman J, de Lorenzo V, Pruzzo C, Timmis J, Ramos Martín JL, Verstraete W, Jetten M, Danchin A, Huang W, Gilbert J, Lal R, Santos H, Yup Lee S, Sessitsch A, Bonfante P, Gram L, Lin RTP, Ron E, Ceren Karahan Z, Roelof van der Meer J, Artunkal S, Jahn D, Harper L (2019) The urgent need for microbiology literacy in society. Environ Microbiol 21:1513–1528. https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.14611

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  1. Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy

    Claudia Sorlini

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Sorlini, C. Microbiology can make a great contribution to the new direction of global politics. Ann Microbiol 70, 64 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13213-020-01609-1

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13213-020-01609-1


  • Global politics
  • Climate change
  • Non-renewable energy sources



当前,我们的星球正遭受气候变化的挑战,气候变化对环境,经济和社会福祉造成了严重后果。主要原因是在所有人为活动中使用了不可再生能源。在这种紧急情况下,增加了污染问题。尤其是,入侵地球的塑料是最明显的现象,对水等自然资源的不合理使用也是高度负责的。联合国组织深信所有国家都必须面对向可持续发展模式的转变,因此联合国致力于实现这一目标,并于2015年启动了《 2030年议程》。《 2030年议程》在“ 17个可持续发展目标”中有明确规定( https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/)。欧洲议会最近批准了《绿色交易》战略(2020年),在同一个方向也显示出了坚定的承诺(https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green- deal_en)。仅在某些条件下才可能改变策略,其中一项绝对必要的条件是付出巨大的努力来支持基础和应用科学研究。不幸的是,这种支持在许多国家都供不应求。

在这种情况下,微生物学可以为全球政治的新方向做出巨大贡献。与以化学方式进行的类似过程相比,以微生物为驱动力的过程需要较低的能量输入。此外,这些过程是根据自然途径发生的,因此产生了可以重新进入生物地球化学循环的可销售的废物产品(Cavicchioli等,2019; Timmis等,2019)。

当前,微生物在初级和次级生产(杀生物剂,生物灭活剂,食品加工,食品质量的提高,生物活性分子的生产,生物能源,细胞工厂,植物生物肥料等)和活动中都有大量使用。生物修复,水净化等)。研究无疑可以拓宽微生物应用领域,提高效率和产品质量。例如,据估计,共生固氮效率的提高,仅在美国,每年购买氮肥就可以节省10.67亿美元,并且可以大大减少温室气体的排放(Seshadri等人, 2015)。类似的理由可以适用于农药,生物塑料,食品生物活性分子的生产,营养保健品,


研究人员之间的合作对于理解自然和人为现象的复杂性至关重要。因此,《微生物学年鉴》(Annals of Microbiology)决定自2020年起以开放获取的形式提供。编辑委员会受到了该期刊80年前诞生时的相同动机的启发。它提供了一个空间,研究人员可以在其中公开地公开其科学成果,并相互联系以获取信息和知识。即使在第二次世界大战期间,该功能也从未失败过,在此期间该杂志继续出版。

1999年,该期刊诞生于1940年,当时名为Annali di Microbiologia(图1),并采用了现在的名称和更明显的国际意义。80年来,它得益于数千名审稿人的艰苦而有力的工作,这为数千名研究人员提供了发表的机会,他们的慷慨支持从未失败。我要与现任总编辑一起,对他们以及彼此继任的国际编辑委员会的成员表示感谢和最热烈的感谢,希望该期刊将继续满足更大的需求。以及对卓越品质和科学创新的更大需求。



  1. Cavicchioli R,Ripple WJ,Timmis KN,Azam F,Bakken LR,Baylis M,Behrenfeld MJ,Boetius A,Boyd PW,Classen AT,Crowther TW,Danovaro R,Foreman CM,Huisman J,Hutchins DA,Jansson JK,Karl DM ,Koskella B,Mark Welch DB,Martiny JBH,Moran MA,Orphan VJ,Reay DS,Remais JV,Rich VI,Singh BK,Stein LY,Stewart FJ,Sullivan MB,van Oppen MJH,Weaver SC,Webb EA,Webster NS (2019)科学家对人类的警告:微生物与气候变化。Nat Rev Microbiol 17:596-586。https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-019-0222-5


  2. https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_zh。于2020年11月7日访问。

  3. https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/。于2020年11月7日访问。

  4. Seshadri R,Reeve WG,Ardley JK,Tennessen K,Woyke T,Kyrpides NC,Ivanova NN(2015)从163个根瘤细菌的基因组中发现了新颖的植物相互作用决定簇。科学代表5:16825。https://doi.org/10.1038/srep16825

    CAS Article PubMed PubMed Central Google学术搜索

  5. Timmis K,Cavicchioli R,Garcia JL,Nogales B,ChavarríaM,Stein L,McGenity TJ,Webster N,Singh BK,Handelsman J,de Lorenzo V,Pruzzo C,Timmis J,RamosMartínJL,Verstraete W,Jetten M Danchin A,Huang W,Gilbert J,Lal R,Santos H,Yup Lee S,Sessitsch A,Bonfante P,Gram L,Lin RTP,Ron E,Ceren Karahan Z,Roelof van der Meer J,Artunkal S,Jahn D, Harper L(2019)社会对微生物学素养的迫切需求。环境微生物21:1513–1528。https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.14611

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  1. 米兰米兰大学研究大学,意大利米兰


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Sorlini,C.微生物学可以为全球政治的新方向做出巨大贡献。安微生物学 70, 64(2020)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13213-020-01609-1


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  • DOI https //doi.org/10.1186/s13213-020-01609-1


  • 全球政治
  • 气候变化
  • 不可再生能源