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FEA Simulation of the Biomechanical Structure Overload in the University Campus Planting
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-23 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/8845385
Stanislau Dounar 1 , Alexandre Iakimovitch 1 , Katsiaryna Mishchanka 1 , Andrzej Jakubowski 2 , Leszek Chybowski 2

Research of breakage of the chestnut tree branch on the planting of university campus is provided. Collapse is caused by a severe accidental wind gust. Due to collapse in the student environment, the investigation has additional methodical value for the teaching of FEA simulation. The model includes roots, trunk, branch, and conditional crown, where the trunk-branch junction is steady enough. The load-bearing system of tree is taken as an example of an effective bionic design. The branch has grown with the implementation of the idea of “equal-strength console”—the change of sections along the branch provides constant stress level and near uniform dispensation of their without stress concentrators. Static simulation of the tree loading is provided both in the linear formulation and in the geometrically nonlinear one. It is proved that in the trunk-branch junction area the stresses are twice lower than the branch itself, and it is not the place for fracture. For the given wind pressure, the work stress in the branch has exceeded twice the allowable level under bending with some torsion. In such construction (of the tree), the breakage could happen even in the perfect branch condition due to her severe overloading.


