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The Footprint of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on the Intensity of Tropical Cyclones Over the Western North Pacific
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.604807
Cheng Sun , Yusen Liu , Zhanqiu Gong , Fred Kucharski , Jianping Li , Qiuyun Wang , Xiang Li

Sea surface temperature (SST) over the western North Pacific (WNP) exhibits strong decadal to multidecadal variability and in this region, warm waters fuel the tropical cyclones (TCs). Observational records show pronounced decadal variations in WNP TC metrics during 1950–2018. Statistical analysis of the various TC metrics suggests that the annual average intensity of WNP TCs is closely linked to the AMO (r = 0.86 at decadal timescales, p < 0.05). Observations and coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations show that the decadal WNP SST variations regarded as the primary driver of TC intensity, are remotely controlled by the AMO. Corresponding to the WNP SST warming, the local SLP gets lower and the tropospheric air becomes warmer and moister, enhancing atmospheric instability and the generation of convective available potential energy. These favorable changes in the background environment provide more “fuel” to the development of deep convection and intensify the WNP TCs. The footprints of AMO in WNP SST and atmospheric states through trans-basin interaction eventually exert a significant impact on the TC intensity over the WNP region.



北太平洋西部(WNP)的海表温度(SST)表现出很强的年代际到十年际变化,在该地区,温暖的水为热带气旋(TCs)提供了燃料。观测记录显示,在1950-2018年期间,WNP TC指标存在明显的年代际变化。对各种TC指标的统计分析表明,WNP TC的年平均强度与AMO紧密相关(在十年时间尺度上,r = 0.86,p <0.05)。观测和耦合的海洋模拟表明,年代际WNP SST变化被认为是TC强度的主要驱动力,由AMO远程控制。与WNP SST变暖相对应,当地的SLP变低,对流层空气变暖变湿,增加了大气的不稳定性并产生了对流可用势能。背景环境中的这些有利变化为深度对流的发展提供了更多“动力”,并加剧了WNP TC。通过跨盆地相互作用,WNP SST和大气状态中的AMO足迹最终对WNP区域的TC强度产生重大影响。
