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SOS small pelagics: a Safe Operating Space for small pelagic fish in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144002
Francisco Ramírez , Maria Grazia Pennino , Marta Albo-Puigserver , Jeroen Steenbeek , Jose M. Bellido , Marta Coll

Sustainable fishing practices must ensure human wellbeing by safeguarding the integrity of marine life-supporting systems. Unfortunately, a significant challenge to fisheries management is that sustainable fishing levels can decline, often synergistically, by co-occurring with climate-driven environmental stressors. Within one of the most impacted marine areas in the world, and encompassing a number of highly targeted commercial species, the small pelagic fish community of the western Mediterranean Sea has recently shown signs of collapse. In this study, we identify a worrying coincidence where fishing hotspots for the commercially valuable European sardine Sardina pilchardus and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus occur in marine areas mostly affected by climate change. To identify these areas, we overlayed detailed, spatially explicit measurements of fishing pressure with the finest-scale maps of cumulative climate change impacts onto these species. According to our results, doubly impacted marine areas largely occur in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, with climate and fisheries mostly affecting European sardine. Reducing local stressors (i.e., fishing pressure) in highly impacted areas may contribute to maintain these communities within a “safe operating space” (SOS), where they remain resilient to climate change. Accordingly, the redistribution and/or reduction of fishing intensity may alleviate pressure in those areas already affected by climate change. Sustainable fishing strategies may benefit, therefore, from the SOS concept and the spatial assessments provided in this study.



可持续的捕捞活动必须通过维护海洋生物支持系统的完整性来确保人类福祉。不幸的是,对渔业管理的一个重大挑战是,与气候驱动的环境压力源共同存在,可持续的捕捞水平往往会协同下降。在世界上受影响最大的海洋地区之一中,并且包括许多高度针对性的商业物种,地中海西部的小型中上层鱼类群落最近显示出崩溃的迹象。在这项研究中,我们发现了一个令人担忧的巧合,即具有商业价值的欧洲沙丁鱼沙丁鱼pilchardus和an鱼Engraulis encrasicolus的捕鱼热点发生在主要受气候变化影响的海洋地区。为了确定这些区域,我们在详细的,空间上明确的捕捞压力测量值上叠加了最精细的累积气候变化对这些物种影响的地图。根据我们的结果,受到双重影响的海洋区域主要发生在西北地中海,气候和渔业主要影响欧洲沙丁鱼。减轻受灾严重地区的当地压力源(即捕鱼压力)可能有助于将这些社区维持在“安全运行空间”(SOS)内,使他们能够抵御气候变化。因此,重新分配和/或降低捕捞强度可以减轻已经受到气候变化影响的那些地区的压力。因此,可持续捕鱼策略可能会受益
