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Himalayan Earthquakes and Developing an Earthquake Resilient Society
Journal of the Geological Society of India ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s12594-020-1581-2
Harsh K. Gupta , Kanchan A. Sabnis , R. Duarah , R. S. Saxena , Saurabh Baruah

Himalayan region is seismically one of the most active continental regions. It experienced at least 4 M ∼ 8 earthquakes during an active phase from 1897 to 1952. However, no such earthquake has occurred since 1952. Detailed investigations have revealed that the region is currently in a seismic quiescence phase, and enough strains have been accumulated to source several M ∼ 8 earthquakes. However, when and where such an earthquake would occur cannot be forecasted. Even if such an earthquake is forecasted to occur, can everyone leave to a safe place? That is not practical. It is therefore important to learn to live with earthquakes and develop an earthquake resilient society. Recent earthquakes have demonstrated the effectiveness of such an approach. One very effective way to develop earthquake resilient society is to create an earthquake scenario for the repeat of an earlier earthquake, estimate the losses, and then go through an exercise of imparting and sharing with public, state and central governance the ways and means of reducing the anticipated losses. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Government of India, in collaboration with other agencies, built earthquake scenarios for the repeat of the 1905 Kangra earthquake of M ∼ 8 and 1897 Shillong earthquake of M 8.7. Appropriate ground motion prediction equation was used to generate earthquake intensities. The intensities of the hypothetical Mw 8 earthquake located at Mandi in Himachal Pradesh (close to the epicenter of 1905 Kangra earthquake) were compared with the 1905 Kangra earthquake’s isoseismals and found to be satisfactory. For the 1897 Shillong earthquake, the isoseismals drawn by experts for the 1897 earthquake were used. Using the 2011 Census data for demography and building typology, it was estimated that if the hypothetical Mandi earthquake occurs in the middle of the night, the human lives lost would be ∼ 959100 combining the states of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and the Union Territory of Chandigarh. It may be noted that the 1905 earthquake had claimed ∼ 20,000 human lives. For the repeat of Shillong M 8.7 earthquake in the mid of the night, the number of lives lost estimated would be ∼ 423000 in the 8 north-east states (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura and Mizoram). NDMA took up detailed preparatory exercises involving the center and state bodies for Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) of lifeline buildings; school sensitization events; Incident Response System (IRS); and Awareness Generation programs involving local celebrities and a variety of news media. National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Force(s) (SDRF) played a crucial role. To test the preparedness, mega-mock drills were held on 13 February 2013 for the 3 north-western states and UT Chandigarh; and on 10 and 13 March 2014 for the 8 north-eastern states. Performances of all the sectors were evaluated by independent observers. There was an excellent media coverage and the very purpose of generating awareness of the losses due to foreseeable earthquakes and how to reduce them was amply demonstrated. It is important to conduct similar exercises in other regions falling under Seismic Zones V and IV of the country. Of utmost importance is educating school students on an yearly basis, ways and means of developing earthquake resilience.



喜马拉雅地区是地震最活跃的大陆地区之一。1897年至1952年活跃期至少发生了4 M~8次地震,但1952年以后再未发生过此类地震。详细调查显示,该地区目前处于地震静止期,并积累了足够的应变震源数次 M ~ 8 级地震。然而,无法预测这种地震何时何地发生。就算预测到会发生这样的地震,大家能离开到安全的地方吗?那是不实用的。因此,学会与地震共存并发展抗震社会非常重要。最近的地震证明了这种方法的有效性。发展抗震社会的一种非常有效的方法是为先前地震的重复创建地震情景,估计损失,然后通过向公众、国家和中央政府传播和分享减少地震灾害的方法和方法的练习。预期的损失。印度政府国家灾害管理局 (NDMA) 与其他机构合作,为 1905 年 M∼8 的康格拉地震和 1897 年 8.7 的西隆地震的重复建立了地震情景。使用适当的地震动预测方程来产生地震强度。假设位于喜马偕尔邦曼迪(靠近 1905 年康格拉地震的震中)的 Mw 8 地震的强度与 1905 年康格拉地震的等震相比较,结果令人满意。对于 1897 年的西隆地震,使用了专家为 1897 年地震绘制的等震线。使用 2011 年人口统计和建筑类型的人口普查数据,估计如果假设的曼迪地震发生在半夜,结合喜马偕尔邦、旁遮普邦、哈里亚纳邦和联邦直辖区,人类的生命损失约为 959100 人昌迪加尔。值得注意的是,1905 年的地震夺去了大约 20,000 人的生命。对于西隆 M 8.7 级地震在深夜的重复,东北 8 个州(阿萨姆邦,阿鲁纳恰尔邦、梅加拉亚邦、锡金、那加兰邦、曼尼普尔邦、特里普拉邦和米佐拉姆邦)。NDMA 进行了详细的准备工作,涉及中央和国家机构对生命线建筑物进行快速视觉筛查 (RVS);学校宣传活动;事件响应系统(IRS);以及涉及当地名人和各种新闻媒体的提高认识计划。国家灾难响应部队 (NDRF) 和国家灾难响应部队 (SDRF) 发挥了关键作用。为了测试准备情况,2013 年 2 月 13 日在西北部的 3 个州和昌迪加尔举行了大型模拟演习;2014 年 3 月 10 日至 13 日,东北部 8 个州。所有部门的表现均由独立观察员评估。媒体进行了大量报道,充分展示了提高人们对可预见地震造成的损失以及如何减少损失的认识的目的。在该国地震区 V 和 IV 下的其他地区进行类似的演习很重要。最重要的是每年对学生进行教育,了解培养抗震能力的方法和方法。