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An infrared energy harvesting device using planar cross bowtie nanoantenna arrays and diode-less rectification based on electron field emission
Journal of Modern Optics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-19 , DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2020.1846814
A. Chekini 1 , S. Sheikhaei 1 , M. Neshat 1

ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a rectification process through electron emission from sharp tips under a high electric field of 109–1010 V/m based on the Fowler–Nordheim theory. A large planar array of 104–105 nanoantennas is proposed to achieve the required electric field for electron emission in the nanoantenna gap. Spatial coherence of the incident wave is a prohibitive issue in using large antenna arrays, and it is overcome by choosing proper size for the array. The design starts with a single-element nanoantenna, for which, five different types are considered, namely dipole, spiral, cross bowtie, sinuses and square spiral. Full-wave simulations show that cross bowtie has the highest field enhancement. Moreover, two array configurations, i.e. series and parallel feed networks, are considered and their field enhancement are compared. Moreover, field enhancement in large array configurations is predicted using proposed equations based on curve fitting.



摘要 在本文中,我们基于 Fowler-Nordheim 理论,在 109-1010 V/m 的高电场下,通过尖端的电子发射提出了一种整流过程。提出了一个由 104-105 个纳米天线组成的大型平面阵列,以实现纳米天线间隙中电子发射所需的电场。在使用大型天线阵列时,入射波的空间相干性是一个令人望而却步的问题,可以通过为阵列选择合适的尺寸来克服这一问题。该设计从一个单元纳米天线开始,为此考虑了五种不同的类型,即偶极子、螺旋、十字蝴蝶结、正弦和方形螺旋。全波模拟表明交叉领结具有最高的场增强。此外,还考虑了两种阵列配置,即串联和并联馈电网络,并对它们的场增强进行了比较。