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Flowering of Blandfordia grandiflora (Christmas bells) in response to fire frequency and temperature
Australian Journal of Botany ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1071/bt20025
Stephen J. Griffith , Susan Rutherford

Blandfordia grandiflora (Blandfordiaceae) is a resprouting perennial herb in wet heathland of coastal and tableland habitats on mainland eastern Australia. It has attractive turbinate flowers of considerable horticultural value. Blandfordia grandiflora is reported to have an enhanced flowering response in the first post-fire flowering season, and management prescriptions advocate frequent fire as beneficial for the species. Nonetheless, the present study appears to be the first to document the flowering response and fate of individual plants exposed to a range of fire frequencies (3-, 6- and 9-year intervals) over an extended period. We also examined the flowering response in unburnt habitat. High survival rates (>95%) were observed for B. grandiflora plants in heathland that had remained unburnt for a minimum of 30 years. Flowering after experimental burns was found to peak in the second post-fire flowering season rather than the first, and there was no clear fire frequency effect. Maximum levels of flowering during the second post-fire season reached 38 to 56% of individuals, although in some years post-fire flowering during this peak season was as low as 23%. Comparatively few plants flowered during the second-year peak season after every fire, and ~34% of individuals in both the 6- and 9-year burn treatments failed to flower at any time. Inter-fire flowering was also observed, and in some instances this flowering was not significantly different to the level achieved during the peak post-fire flowering season. For example, ~9% of individuals flowered 5–7 times over a 12-year period despite being burnt on only four occasions. Flowering after vernalisation (winter-chilling) was observed in unburnt heathland, and the level of this response was not significantly different to peak post-fire flowering in some years. The findings are examined in the context of evolutionary and habitat processes within a climate change framework. Future studies should focus on the complex interactions between climate, fire and soil for not only B. grandiflora, but more importantly for the diverse assemblage of plant species in wet heathland.


Blandfordia grandiflora(圣诞钟声)的开花响应火灾频率和温度

Blandfordia grandiflora (Blandfordiaceae) 是一种重新发芽的多年生草本植物,生长在澳大利亚东部大陆沿海和高原栖息地的潮湿荒地中。它有吸引人的鼻甲花,具有相当的园艺价值。据报道,Blandfordia grandiflora 在火灾后的第一个开花季节具有增强的开花反应,管理处方主张频繁火灾对该物种有益。尽管如此,本研究似乎是第一个记录长时间暴露于一系列火灾频率(3 年、6 年和 9 年间隔)的植物的开花反应和命运的研究。我们还检查了未燃烧栖息地的开花反应。在荒地中至少 30 年未燃烧的大花 B. Grandiflora 植物观察到高存活率 (>95%)。实验烧伤后的开花在火灾后的第二个开花季节达到高峰,而不是第一个,并且没有明显的火灾频率效应。火灾后第二个季节的最大开花水平达到了 38% 到 56% 的个体,尽管在某些年份,这个高峰季节的火灾后开花低至 23%。在每次火灾后的第二年旺季开花的植物相对较少,在 6 年和 9 年的烧伤处理中,约 34% 的个体在任何时候都未能开花。还观察到火灾间开花,在某些情况下,这种开花与火灾后开花高峰期达到的水平没有显着差异。例如,尽管仅被烧过四次,但仍有约 9% 的个体在 12 年期间开花了 5-7 次。在未烧毁的荒地中观察到春化(冬季寒冷)后开花,这种反应的水平与某些年份的火灾后开花高峰没有显着差异。这些发现是在气候变化框架内的进化和栖息地过程的背景下进行的。未来的研究应重点关注气候、火和土壤之间复杂的相互作用,不仅是大花草,更重要的是湿石南地植物物种的多样化组合。