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When Two Salt Tectonics Systems Meet: Gliding Downslope the Levant Margin and Salt Out‐Squeezing From Under the Nile Delta
Tectonics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-21 , DOI: 10.1029/2019tc005715
Y. Ben Zeev 1, 2 , Z. Gvirtzman 1, 2

At present, salt tectonics in the Levant Basin comprises extension along the continental slope and folding and thrusting in the deep basin. However, here we show that the shape, the age, and the amplitude of deformation in the extensional and contractional domains do not fit the paradigm of “updip extension and downdip contraction.” Deep basin shortening is not parallel to continental margin extension; it is younger and stronger. We propose that while extension of the Levant continental slope is an expression of basinward gliding, the deep basin shortening belongs to the circum‐Nile deformation belt (CNDB) propelled by out‐squeezing of salt from under the Nile delta. However, despite the independent driving forces, the two deformation systems seem to affect each other. In the southern part of the basin where the two systems meet, the NW gliding of the continental slope is restrained by the NE motion of the CNDB and vice versa. Interestingly, the beginning of folding along the CNDB (~2 Ma) coincides with the establishment of a continental shelf offshore Israel. We thus propose that these two apparently independent phenomena express maturity of the Nile delta that had reached a size and shape sufficient to trigger salt out‐squeezing and to form a continuous continental shelf from the Nile to Israel. This continuity allowed shelf alongshore sediment transport that further propagated the Israeli shelf northward and westward.



目前,黎凡特盆地的盐构造包括沿大陆斜坡的延伸以及深盆地的褶皱和逆冲作用。但是,这里我们显示出,拉伸区域和收缩区域的形状,年龄和变形幅度均不符合“向上延伸和向下收缩”的范式。深盆地缩短与大陆边缘扩张不平行;它越来越年轻。我们认为,尽管黎凡特大陆斜坡的扩展是盆地滑移的一种表现,但深层盆地缩短属于尼罗河三角洲下方盐分的挤压推动的环尼罗河变形带(CNDB)。但是,尽管有独立的驱动力,但两个变形系统似乎相互影响。在两个系统汇合的盆地南部,大陆斜坡的西北滑行受到CNDB的NE运动的限制,反之亦然。有趣的是,沿CNDB(〜2 Ma)的折叠开始与在以色列近海建立大陆架相吻合。因此,我们建议这两个看似独立的现象表示尼罗河三角洲的成熟,其大小和形状足以触发盐的挤压并形成从尼罗河到以色列的连续大陆架。这种连续性使得陆架沿岸沉积物运输得以进一步向北和向西传播以色列陆架。因此,我们建议这两个看似独立的现象表示尼罗河三角洲的成熟,其大小和形状足以触发盐的挤压并形成从尼罗河到以色列的连续大陆架。这种连续性使得陆架沿岸沉积物运输得以进一步向北和向西传播以色列陆架。因此,我们建议这两个看似独立的现象表示尼罗河三角洲的成熟,其大小和形状足以触发盐的挤压并形成从尼罗河到以色列的连续大陆架。这种连续性使得陆架沿岸沉积物运输得以进一步向北和向西传播以色列陆架。