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Complete theory of the elastic wall jet: A new flow geometry with revisited two-phase nanofluids
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2020.11.006
Amin Jafarimoghaddam , Mustafa Turkyilmazoglu , A.V. Roşca , I. Pop

In the present research, it is solved in an innovative manner the essentially Non-Similar nanofluids jet discharged over a generalized non-linearly stretching wall. The Non-Similar set-up is interpreted as a combination of wall jet flow at the leading edge and non-linearly stretching sheet flow far away from it. Nanofluids are simulated employing Buongiorno’s two-phase model together with a modified boundary condition for nanoparticles transport equation. The compositely-transformed partial differential equations (PDE) of Non-Similar forms were solved numerically after employing a new mapping function to abridge the horizontal coordinate of an infinite length into a finite one. The numerical algorithm contains quasi-linearization technique together with an implicit algorithm of tridiagonal form. It should be pointed out that such a new Non-Similar setup is brought into account for the first time in the literature. In this respect, we summarize the outstanding novel findings of the present work as:

[I.] Accounting a modified boundary condition for nanoparticles concentration at the wall, the so-called and widely-used Brownian motion parameter, namely Nb, will have absolutely NO impact on Nusselt number or more precisely, on Energy Equation. In this respect, it is presented a new way of defining dimensionless variables.

[II.] As the stretching ratio increases, it is observed a discrepancy in boundary layer thickness; it expands close to the jet area, shrinks in the transition region and adapts the far-field condition, either by expanding or shrinking, depending on the stretching ratio.

[III.] As the stretching ratio increases, Nusselt number decreases slightly shortly after the jet origin and then increases dramatically to match the stretching region.

[IV.] As the stretching ratio increases, nanoparticles at the wall become more concentrated at the downstream and hence, close to the jet region as well as the transition region, the concentration is sparse.

[V.] As thermophoresis parameter, namely Nt, increases, convective heat transfer coefficient drops non-uniformly, from the leading edge to downstream, as well as nanoparticles concentration at the wall.

[V1.] As Schmidt number increases, convective heat transfer drops; however, nanoparticles concentration at the wall increases over the entire spatial domain.




[I.]考虑到壁上纳米粒子浓度的修正边界条件,即所谓的广泛使用的布朗运动参数,即 ñb绝对不会对Nusselt数产生任何影响,或更确切地说,对Energy Equation不会产生影响。在这方面,提出了一种定义无量纲变量的新方法。




[V.]作为热泳参数,即 ñŤ当增加时,对流传热系数从前缘到下游以及壁上的纳米粒子浓度会不均匀地下降。

