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Properties and characteristics of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope H4RG-10 detectors
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1117/1.jatis.6.4.046001
Gregory Mosby 1 , Bernard J. Rauscher 1 , Chris Bennett 2 , Edward S. Cheng 3 , Stephanie Cheung 2 , Analia Cillis 2 , David Content 4 , Dave Cottingham 2 , Roger Foltz 2 , John Gygax 4 , Robert J. Hill 3 , Jeffrey W. Kruk 1 , Jon Mah 3 , Lane Meier 3 , Chris Merchant 2 , Laddawan Miko 2 , Eric C. Piquette 5 , Augustyn Waczynski 2 , Yiting Wen 2

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman) formerly known as the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope will answer fundamental questions about the evolution of dark energy over time and expand the catalog of known exoplanets into new regions of parameter space. Using a Hubble-sized mirror and 18 newly developed HgCdTe 4K × 4K photodiode arrays (H4RG-10), the Roman Space Telescope will measure the positions and shapes of hundreds of millions of galaxies, the light curves of thousands of supernovae, and the microlensing signals of over a thousand exoplanets toward the bulge of the Galaxy. These measurements require unprecedented sensitivity and characterization of the Wide Field Instrument, particularly its detectors. The Roman project undertook an extensive detector development program to create focal plane arrays that meet these science requirements. These prototype detectors have been characterized and their performance demonstrated in a relevant space-like environment (thermal vacuum, vibration, acoustic, and radiation testing), advancing the H4RG-10’s technology readiness level (TRL) to TRL-6. We present the performance characteristics of these TRL-6 demonstration devices.



南希·格雷斯·罗马太空望远镜(Roman)以前称为广域红外勘测望远镜,它将回答有关暗能量随时间演变的基本问题,并将已知系外行星的目录扩展到参数空间的新区域。罗马太空望远镜使用哈勃尺寸的镜子和18个新开发的HgCdTe 4K×4K光电二极管阵列(H4RG-10),将测量亿万个星系的位置和形状,数千个超新星的光曲线以及微透镜超过一千颗系外行星向银河系凸起的信号。这些测量需要广域仪器(尤其是其检测器)前所未有的灵敏度和特性。罗马项目承担了广泛的探测器开发计划,以创建满足这些科学要求的焦平面阵列。这些原型探测器已经过表征,并在相关的类似太空环境(热真空,振动,声学和辐射测试)中展示了其性能,从而将H4RG-10的技术就绪水平(TRL)提升至TRL-6。我们介绍了这些TRL-6演示设备的性能特征。