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Effects of Strain Rate and Dwell Time on Fatigue Damage Accumulation in Aerosol Jet Printed Nanosilver Traces on Flex
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1109/tcpmt.2020.3025093
Arun Raj , Manu Yadav , Nardeeka S. Adams , Rajesh S. Sivasubramony , Mohammed Alhendi , Mark Poliks , Peter Borgesen

Sintering of aerosol jet printed nano-Ag traces leads to nanoporous structures that are macroscopically brittle, but the reduction in strain localization offered by the support of a flexible polyimide substrate means that the traces are still quite flexible and can withstand much higher strains than the free-standing structures. The resulting behavior under cyclic loading conditions is very different from what we are used to for conventional microelectronics interconnects. As a part of an ongoing systematic effort, the present work is focused on the effects of strain rates and brief dwells, either between loads or at the maximum strain. Lower strain rates led to more damage per cycle, but the effect of slower unloading was greater than the effect of slower loading. Interestingly, although ongoing work shows an hour-long dwell at zero loads to allow for some degree of recovery and, thus, longer life, dwells on the order of minutes led to more damage per cycle. In contrast, short dwells at the maximum strain led to less damage in subsequent cycling. All of this can be rationalized in terms of an emerging phenomenological picture.



气溶胶喷射印刷的纳米Ag痕迹的烧结导致宏观上较脆的纳米孔结构,但是通过柔性聚酰亚胺基材的支撑所提供的应变局部性的降低意味着该痕迹仍然具有相当的柔性,并且可以承受比自由的高得多的应变。站立的结构。在循环负载条件下产生的行为与我们用于常规微电子互连的行为有很大不同。作为正在进行的系统性工作的一部分,当前的工作集中于在负载之间或在最大应变下的应变率和短暂停留的影响。较低的应变率会导致每个周期更多的损坏,但较慢的卸载效果要比较慢的加载效果更大。有趣的是 尽管正在进行的工作显示在零载荷下会停留一个小时的时间,以实现一定程度的恢复,从而延长使用寿命,但几分钟的停留时间会导致每个周期的损坏更大。相反,在最大应变下的短停留时间导致后续循环中的损坏较小。所有这些都可以根据新出现的现象学来合理化。