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Phase transition in random contingency tables with non-uniform margins
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-05 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/8094
Samuel Dittmer , Hanbaek Lyu , Igor Pak

For parameters $n,\delta,B,$ and $C$, let $X=(X_{k\ell})$ be the random uniform contingency table whose first $\lfloor n^{\delta} \rfloor $ rows and columns have margin $\lfloor BCn \rfloor$ and the last $n$ rows and columns have margin $\lfloor Cn \rfloor$. For every $0 B_{c}$. Our main result shows that $\mathbb{E}[X_{11}]$ is uniformly bounded for $B B_{c}$. We also establish a strong law of large numbers for the row sums in top right and top left blocks.



对于参数 $n,\delta,B,$ 和 $C$,令 $X=(X_{k\ell})$ 是其前 $\lfloor n^{\delta} \rfloor $ 行的随机统一列联表并且列的边距为 $\lfloor BCn \rfloor$,最后 $n$ 行和列的边距为 $\lfloor Cn \rfloor$。每$0 B_{c}$。我们的主要结果表明 $\mathbb{E}[X_{11}]$ 对于 $B_{c}$ 是一致有界的。我们还为右上角和左上角块中的行总和建立了强大的大数定律。