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The dissociations of confidence from accuracy in forced-choice recognition judgments
Journal of Memory and Language ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2020.104189
Maciej Hanczakowski , Ewa Butowska , C. Philip Beaman , Dylan M. Jones , Katarzyna Zawadzka

Abstract Judgment of confidence in memory is likely to track memory accuracy if those factors shaping accuracy also shape confidence. In recognition memory, accuracy is determined by the relative level of evidence present for the target and that supporting the lures. As the discrepancy between targets and lures increases, so does the likelihood of correct responding. In contrast, this study shows that confidence can instead depend on the absolute evidence supporting the chosen target rather than the balance of evidence between targets and lures. In four experiments, using different types of forced-choice recognition tests, we demonstrate that generally manipulating the strength of evidence supporting targets affects confidence judgments but that varying the strength of evidence supporting lures creates robust confidence-accuracy dissociations, changing accuracy while not affecting confidence. Together, these data support an absolute account of confidence in forced-choice recognition and demonstrate that confidence-accuracy dissociations across recognition conditions are likely to be ubiquitous.



摘要 如果影响准确性的那些因素也影响信心,则对记忆的信心判断可能会跟踪记忆准确性。在识别记忆中,准确性由存在于目标和支持诱饵的证据的相对水平决定。随着目标和诱饵之间差异的增加,正确响应的可能性也会增加。相比之下,这项研究表明,信心反而取决于支持所选目标的绝对证据,而不是目标和诱饵之间的证据平衡。在四个实验中,使用不同类型的强制选择识别测试,我们证明通常操纵支持目标的证据强度会影响信心判断,但改变支持诱饵的证据强度会产生强大的信心 - 准确性分离,在不影响信心的情况下改变准确性。总之,这些数据支持对强制选择识别的信心的绝对解释,并证明跨识别条件的信心-准确度分离可能无处不在。