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Effectiveness of the “Ecological Beach” Model: Beneficial Management of Posidonia Beach Casts and Banquette
Water ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.3390/w12113238
Alice Rotini , Stefania Chiesa , Loredana Manfra , Patrizia Borrello , Raffaella Piermarini , Cecilia Silvestri , Sergio Cappucci , Luca Parlagreco , Saverio Devoti , Marco Pisapia , Carla Creo , Tiziana Mezzetti , Alfonso Scarpato , Luciana Migliore

The accumulation of Posidonia oceanica dead leaves on the beaches of the Mediterranean shores is a natural phenomenon. They are either temporary or permanent structures (banquettes) and represent a valuable resource, with important ecosystem functions including coastal protection against erosion. Nevertheless, the perception of these plant accumulations by the different stakeholders (beach managers, local administrations and tourists) is often negative; they consider these deposits a malevolent waste to be removed, rather than a natural and valuable component of the coastline. We propose an integrated/beneficial management model for posidonia deposits, called ECOLOGICAL BEACH, firstly proposed in France, and recently implemented and applied in Italy. The model promotes the preservation of posidonia beach casts on site, with a balanced coexistence of natural and anthropic elements. The model fosters the several important ecosystem services of the beach casts and contributes to coastal preservation. To successfully spread the model, several activities must be implemented: a regulatory framework, the collection of data about the occurrence of beach casts, management protocols and educational programs. The most important activity is the educational one, based on the dissemination of the ecological and economic value of the beach casts, aimed at switching the perception of this phenomenon towards positive appraisal.



Posidonia Oceanica 枯叶堆积在地中海沿岸的海滩上是一种自然现象。它们要么是临时的,要么是永久性的结构(宴会),是一种宝贵的资源,具有重要的生态系统功能,包括海岸保护免受侵蚀。然而,不同利益相关者(海滩管理者、当地行政部门和游客)对这些植物积累的看法往往是负面的;他们认为这些沉积物是需要清除的有害废物,而不是海岸线的自然和有价值的组成部分。我们提出了一种针对 posidonia 矿床的综合/有益管理模式,称为 ECOLOGICAL BEACH,首先在法国提出,最近在意大利实施和应用。该模型促进了对 posidonia 海滩铸件的现场保护,自然和人为因素的平衡共存。该模型促进了海滩铸件的几个重要生态系统服务,并有助于沿海保护。为了成功传播该模型,必须实施多项活动:监管框架、有关海滩抛锚事件的数据收集、管理协议和教育计划。最重要的活动是教育活动,基于传播海滩铸件的生态和经济价值,旨在将这一现象的看法转变为积极评价。收集有关海滩演员、管理协议和教育计划发生的数据。最重要的活动是教育活动,基于传播海滩铸件的生态和经济价值,旨在将这一现象的看法转变为积极评价。收集有关海滩演员、管理协议和教育计划发生的数据。最重要的活动是教育活动,基于传播海滩铸件的生态和经济价值,旨在将这一现象的看法转变为积极评价。