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Achievements and Challenges of Classical Swine Fever Eradication in Brazil
Viruses ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.3390/v12111327
Luís Guilherme de Oliveira , Igor Renan Honorato Gatto , Marina Lopes Mechler-Dreibi , Henrique M. S. Almeida , Karina Sonálio , Gabriel Yuri Storino

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) causes one of the most critical diseases in the porcine industry worldwide. In Brazil, the first description of the infection was reported in 1888, and the national recognition of the first free zone (FZ) occurred in 2001. Brazil has been recently recognized (2015–2016) by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) with an FZ involving 15 states and the Federal District, corresponding to 95% of the industrial production of pigs in the country, and a non-free zone (NFZ), comprised by the North and Northeast regions of the country, with approximately 18% of the national pig herd and 5% of industrial production. This review aims to describe the history, the control and eradication actions, the recent occurrence of outbreaks in the NFZ, and the results obtained by the surveillance systems’ action in the FZ for CSF in Brazil since its creation. In the passive surveillance system, the notification of the suspect cases of classical swine fever (CSF) is mandatory while in the active surveillance system adopted in the FZ consists of serological monitoring of certified swine breeding farms (CSBFs), intensive pig farming (IPF), non-technified pig herds (NTPig), surveillance in slaughterhouses and monitoring the populations of wild pigs. In this region, the last outbreaks of the disease occurred in 1998, while in the NFZ, 28 outbreaks were detected from 2005 to 2017, with an apparent lethality rate of 93.96% (840/894). However, in 2018 and 2019, 68 new outbreaks were registered with an apparent lethality rate of 75.05% (1095/1459). Therefore, in 2019, the Brazil CSF-Free Strategic Plan was created to eradicate the infection from the country’s NFZ, since outbreaks in this region present a risk of reintroducing the disease FZ. Finally, differences in characteristics between the regions show factors that still need to be considered for the construction of a robust surveillance system in the NFZ and some improvements in the FZ. Thus, the control of CSF throughout the Brazilian territory requires strict sanitary guidelines, promoting animal health and, consequently, the national production chain’s competitiveness.



古典猪瘟病毒(CSFV)导致全世界猪业中最严重的疾病之一。在巴西,最早在1888年就报道了这种感染,2001年,第一个自由区(FZ)在全国得到承认。最近,巴西(2015-2016)被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)认可。 FZ涉及15个州和联邦区,相当于该国95%的猪的工业生产,还有一个非自由区(NFZ),由该国的北部和东北地区组成,约占18%全国猪群和工业生产的5%。这篇评论旨在描述NFZ的历史,控制和根除行动,近期爆发的疫情,自巴西CSF建立以来,监视系统在FZ中采取的行动所获得的结果。在被动监视系统中,必须通知可疑的经典猪瘟病例,而在FZ中采用的主动监视系统中,包括对认证的猪繁殖场(CSBF),集约化养猪场(IPF)进行血清学监测,非技术猪群(NTPig),对屠宰场的监视以及对野猪种群的监视。在该地区,该病的最后一次暴发发生在1998年,而在NFZ地区,从2005年到2017年共发现了28起暴发,明显致死率为93.96%(840/894)。但是,在2018年和2019年,有68起新的暴发被记录下来,明显的致死率是75.05%(1095/1459)。因此,在2019年,制定了巴西无脑脊液战略计划是为了消除该国NFZ的感染,因为该地区的疫情暴发可能再次引入FZ疾病。最后,区域之间的特征差异显示了在NFZ中构建强大的监视系统以及FZ进行一些改进时仍需要考虑的因素。因此,控制整个巴西领土的脑脊液需要严格的卫生指导方针,促进动物健康,并因此提高国家生产链的竞争力。区域之间的特征差异表明,在NFZ中构建强大的监视系统以及在FZ中进行一些改进时仍需要考虑因素。因此,控制整个巴西领土的脑脊液需要严格的卫生指导方针,促进动物健康,并因此提高国家生产链的竞争力。区域之间的特征差异表明,在NFZ中构建强大的监视系统以及在FZ中进行一些改进时仍需要考虑因素。因此,控制整个巴西领土的脑脊液需要严格的卫生指导方针,促进动物健康,并因此提高国家生产链的竞争力。