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Enhancing the still scattered knowledge on the taxonomic diversity of freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes: Dugesiidae) in caves from two Brazilian Biomes
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1080/01650521.2020.1829901
Lindsey Hellmann 1 , Rodrigo Lopes Ferreira 2 , Lucas Rabelo 2 , Ana Maria Leal-Zanchet 1


Recent studies have recorded new species of freshwater planarians in caves of the biomes Amazonia, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and Caatinga. Herein we contribute to enhancing this knowledge by describing three new cave-dwelling species of Girardia from three different cave systems situated in two biomes (Atlantic Forest and Cerrado) in eastern Brazil. Girardia spelaea sp. n., from a limestone cave, is eyeless and shows a whitish body. The other two species, G. asymmetrica sp. n. and G. ibitipoca sp. n., from limestone and quartzite caves, show pigmented bodies and eyes. The three species are characterized by dorsal and/or dorsoventral testes and a bulbar cavity with forked ental portions, varying from round or ovoid to elongate. Each new species is easily recognized by a unique combination of characters of their external morphology and reproductive system. Girardia spelaea is probably a troglobitic species and the two other species may be trogrophiles, all of them with a restricted known distribution.





最近的研究已经在亚马逊生物群落、大西洋森林、塞拉多和卡廷加的洞穴中记录了淡水涡虫的新物种。在此,我们通过描述位于巴西东部两个生物群落(大西洋森林和塞拉多)的三个不同洞穴系统中的三种新的洞穴栖息物种Girardia ,为增强这一知识做出了贡献。Girardia spelaea sp. n.,来自石灰岩洞穴,没有眼睛,身体呈白色。其他两种,G. asymmetrica sp。n. 和G. ibitipocasp。n.,来自石灰岩和石英岩洞穴,显示有色素的身体和眼睛。这三个物种的特征是睾丸背侧和/或背腹侧,以及一个带有分叉的内脏部分的球腔,从圆形或卵形到细长不等。每个新物种很容易通过其外部形态和生殖系统特征的独特组合来识别。Girardia spelaea可能是一种穴居物种,另外两个物种可能是穴居动物,它们都具有有限的已知分布。

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