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Underwater video and still‐image dataset of fishes and other aquatic animals in Lake Biwa, Japan, observed via carp‐mounted video loggers
Ecological Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12158
Makoto A. Yoshida 1 , Kumiko Totsu 1 , Katsufumi Sato 2 , Kohji Mabuchi 1

This is the first large dataset of underwater videos from which species occurrence and behavioral records of aquatic organisms were identified in Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. We compiled 109 videos and 122 still‐images of fishes, diving birds and shrimps. The images were cropped from videos taken underwater with animal‐borne video cameras which were mounted on the backs of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). The attribute of each image and its occurrence of organisms were formatted according to the Darwin Core Archive which was developed by the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), and the dataset is available via the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Our dataset includes records of 10 species, 4 genera, 2 families and 1 infraorder which includes mostly fishes, several birds and a crustacean. The fish records include a threatened endemic fish, the “gengorou‐buna” crucian carp (Carassius cuvieri), and two alien fishes, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). We confirmed several types of intraspecific and interspecific relationships between video‐mounted carp and other organisms; for example, most video‐mounted carp frequently approached or chased conspecifics upon encountering, which sometimes led to two carp feeding side by side. At least three avian species also appeared in the dataset: Eurasian coot (Fulica atra), little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), but there was no apparent interaction between carp and these birds. Our underwater videos reveal and highlight the rich biodiversity of the lake today, providing clear evidence for behavior of aquatic organisms under natural conditions.



这是在日本最大的湖泊琵琶湖中发现水下生物种类和行为记录的第一个大型水下视频数据集。我们编辑了109个视频和122个鱼类,潜水鸟和虾的静止图像。这些图像是从水下与被安装在鲤鱼的背上动物源性视频相机拍摄的视频裁剪()。根据生物多样性信息标准(TDWG)开发的达尔文核心档案库对每个图像的属性及其生物的出现进行了格式化,该数据集可通过全球生物多样性信息设施获得。我们的数据集包含10种,4个属,2个科和1个基础的记录,其中主要包括鱼类,几只鸟类和甲壳类动物。鱼类记录包括濒临灭绝的特有鱼类,“成年rou””鱼(Carassius cuvieri)和两种外来鱼类,大嘴鲈(Micropterus salmoides)和蓝blue翻车鱼(Lepomis macrochirus))。我们证实了视频鲤鱼和其他生物之间的种内和种间关系的几种类型。例如,大多数带视频的鲤鱼在遇到时经常接近或追捕特定物种,有时导致并排喂食两个鲤鱼。数据集中还至少出现了三种禽类:欧亚老傻瓜Fulica atra),小格里布Tachybaptus ruficollis),大头格里布Podiceps cristatus),但鲤鱼与这些鸟类之间没有明显的相互作用。我们的水下录像揭示并突出了当今湖泊丰富的生物多样性,为自然条件下水生生物的行为提供了清晰的证据。