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Geologically Oldest Pediomyoidea (Mammalia, Marsupialiformes) from the Late Cretaceous of North America, with Implications for Taxonomy and Diet of Earliest Late Cretaceous Mammals
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-18 , DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1835935
Joshua E. Cohen 1, 2 , Brian M. Davis 2, 3 , Richard L. Cifelli 2


Terrestrial faunas of Turonian age are poorly known due to the paucity of the fossil record in North America and globally. The Smoky Hollow Member of the Straight Cliffs Formation, southern Utah, has yielded a rich assemblage of terrestrial vertebrates; among these, we herein recognize the geologically oldest members of Pediomyoidea. Two new species, Scalaria martini, gen. et sp. nov. and Scalaria aquilana, gen. et sp. nov., are recovered as members of Aquiladelphidae, sharing upper molar characters such as a subdivided B cusp, round and inflated cusps, and an anteroposteriorly expanded protocone. A fragmentary specimen is recognized as an indeterminate pediomyid with morphological similarities to Leptalestes. The occurrence of these distinctive groups in the Turonian prompted a re-evaluation of possible antecedents from earlier faunas, and a review of specimens referred to Aquiladelphidae. A phylogenetic analysis suggests that the Cenomanian tribosphenidan Dakotadens may belong within Aquiladelphidae. Of specimens referred to Aquiladelphidae, we recognize Aquiladelphis laurae as a valid species within the genus, and describe a new species of Aquiladelphis from the Judith River Formation of Montana, Aquiladelphis analetris, sp. nov. Two specimens from the ‘Edmontonian’ Williams Fork Formation, previously identified as Aquiladelphis, are here referred to a new species of Glasbius, G. piceanus, sp. nov. The presence of dentally derived marsupialiforms in the Turonian suggests that ecological drivers credited with dietary specializations among later Cretaceous taxa, such as proliferation of angiosperms and pollinating insects, were at work earlier than previously thought.





由于北美和全球范围内化石记录的匮乏,Turonian时代的陆地动物群鲜为人知。犹他州南部的直崖形成层的黑烟空心成员聚集了丰富的陆生脊椎动物。其中,我们在这里认识到Pediomyoidea的地质最古老的成员。两个新物种,Scalaria martini,gen。等。十一月 和Scalaria aquilana,gen。等。十一月,被恢复为天鹰科的成员,共有上臼齿特征,例如细分的B尖,圆形和膨胀的尖,以及前后膨大的原型。碎片标本被认为是不确定的pediomyid,其形态与Leptalestes相似。这些独特的群体在土伦语中的出现促使人们重新评估了早期动物区系中可能存在的前因,并回顾了被称为天鹰科的标本。系统发育分析表明,Cenomanian tribosphenidan Dakotadens可能属于天鹰科。标本简称Aquiladelphidae,我们认识Aquiladelphis laurae如属内的有效物质,并描述了一个新的物种Aquiladelphis来自Judith河组蒙大拿,Aquiladelphis analetris,SP。十一月 来自“埃德蒙顿”威廉姆斯叉形成的两个标本以前被称为天鹰座,现在被称为格拉斯比乌斯的一个新物种,G.piceanus,sp。十一月 土伦语中有牙齿衍生的有袋动物的存在表明,在后来的白垩纪生物分类中,以饮食专长闻名的生态驱动器(如被子植物和授粉昆虫的繁殖)比以前想象的要早工作。

